Sunday, October 25, 2015

Day 6: The Responsibility of Wealth

Today’s post will consist mainly of self-forgiveness and Self-Commitment statements, however, before we get to that we will look at a point that is important to consider for anyone entering sales, especially those who would utilize sales as a means to bring forth solutions that honor all Life and contribute to making the world a better place for everyone.

It is important that one consider that everyone you speak to is in fact a reflection of you. Thus, when someone does something that is not best, that is in fact you doing that. So, within that we recognize that we have a responsibility, now, to correct those parts of ourselves that are not acting in a way that is best for all. We start with ourselves, obviously, and we learn as we go how to support others. Within this, communication and influence become your primary tools, as a salesperson or an entrepreneur. The ability to communicate, which is to use words, and have another person take a specific action as a result, is the primary tool used by the entrepreneur to create a measurable effect in this world. We will use our skills to sell everyone on becoming the best version of themselves possible, and thus create a better world. 

Within this, an important point to consider is that with each person you talk to, they have their own specific mindset and level of awareness. You must be aware of this so that when you talk to people you talk to them in a way they understand. Many people who get into sales make the mistake of trying to be right with their customer. You can be right, but if you don’t get the other person to act, then you have not had the result that matters. And if you are representing a product or service that is best for all, then every person you do not sell, you have actually harmed them. Do not become disheartened at this, but use it to spur you to develop your skills of communication to your fullest capacity. The primary way to do this is to talk with others and to observe how they respond or react. Be aware of yourself and where you react, keeping in mind yesterday’s post. Remember that if you are reacting, then you are being sold. And if you are clear that what you are offering is best then you cannot afford to react. So when these points come up, use the tools presented here and within the Desteni I Process to remove them. Remember: money flows to the one who is stable. The one who is in emotion is the one who buys.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I must compromise my principles in order to live.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that survival is more important than anything else, even if it means I have to compromise my principles and harm and abuse in order to survive.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that by choosing to place the utmost value on survival, that I have participated in creating an environment that reinforces survival as the utmost value, and thus have created money as as tool which is used for survival of the fittest and not for what is best for all life equally.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that money is evil, and to thus place the responsibility for using money as a tool to create a system that is best for all outside of myself, and within that trapping myself according to the principle of give as you’d like to receive to experience life as a constant battle between good and evil, where survival at all costs has become the focus of life, no matter how much one has to abuse and harm.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that living in comfort while others struggle to survive is actually bringing harm and abuse to myself, because those others are actually me because they are equal as life.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that even a life of comfort in this world is still a life of survival, it is just that I have been born into an environment where survival has been automated to a point where less focus and effort is required, however this system of survival works at the expense of others, where the indirect and in some cases direct result is that other people go to bed hungry and are abused and exploited by others for money, all while I live in my life of comfort.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the purpose of money in this world is to have a life of comfort and fun, when I have not considered that there are others in this world who do not have any possibility of having such a life because of the system that I participate within and accept.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that success is defined as the achievement of material possessions and the accumulation of money, and that I have not considered that the achievement of possessions and the accumulation of money in itself has no value because real value is Life itself, which makes all things possible, and within that I realize that success is taking responsibility for myself in each moment to live the best version of myself possible and to correct every aspect of myself that is not serving Life as what is Best for All, and to correct each part of me that I have separated from myself as systems which are not operating in a way that is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that sales, business, and money are evil and that they are the problem of why there is suffering and abuse in this world, when in fact they are one of the keys, for those who have the capacity to direct the systems of this world to become best for all.

I commit myself to becoming the best version of myself possible, to correct the parts of myself that are not acting in a way that is best for all, and to correct those systems that I have given my authority to act on my behalf until both inner being and my outer being as this world are both in full support of all Life equally.

I commit myself to become effective within business, to create a business of integrity that supports each person whom we influence and affect to become the best version of themselves possible as best as we practically possibly can.

I commit myself to use my accumulation of wealth, both money and material property, to create a world that is best for all, through providing products to others that support them to become their best, and to influence and design systems to support those who are not in positions to support themselves, so that we may redesign our environment to support future generations to have the opportunity to experience a better world and to develop the common sense to see the oneness and equality of all life.

I commit myself to utilize all of my talents, capabilities and strengths to uplift and support others and to become the most effective entrepreneur that I can, and to identify and work on strengthening my weaknesses and to develop the sight to see the strengths of others so that I may be able to multiply my effectiveness through others, for the best benefit of all.

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

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