Thursday, October 29, 2015

Day 9: The Money Paradox

One morning, some time ago, I was walking through a very wealthy neighborhood where the homes cost upwards of 10 million dollars with expansive front yards and large gates with security booths. As I passed by one house I noticed a beautiful 1960’s Rolls Royce parked on the street outside of the gated part. I had seen this car before and so I was curious, if only for the fact that it would be parked on the street and not somewhere more secure. So I went up to it to look inside and admire the craftsmanship. I thought it would be nice to take a picture so I went to the other side of the road and as I reached for my phone I hear a car coming so I looked up and waved and smiled and then went back to looking at the Rolls Royce waiting for the oncoming car to pass. But as it approached, it slowed down and eventually stopped between me and the Rolls Royce. It was a brand new black Range Rover, easily a $90,000 car and the the window was down. A man dressed in a business shirt and tie was driving and said, “It’s a beautiful car isn’t i?” I said that yes it was and we went back and forth discussing the curvature and the lines and I asked him if it was his car. He said no, it was his father-in-law’s and then asked if I lived in the neighborhood. I said, “No, I live south of here, but I walk here every morning, dream-building.” He said, “I understand that. I jog here every morning.” (Implying that he did not live there either and although he was obviously successful (by the looks of his Range Rover) he also had aspirations of achieving more. We then exchanged parting greetings and went our separate ways.

It wasn’t until I began walking away from the situation that I realize that I, although I spoke confidently and was polite and at ease within talking with this man, that I was in fact actually not as confident as I could have been. In fact, I could have asked the man what he did for a living, found out more about him, taken his business card, and followed up with him to show him the things I offer. That’s how business is done. But as I was walking afterwards I was looking at why I didn’t do any of that. There was no conscious thought of not wanting to talk about it, it just didn’t come up. Then I realized there was a point within me where I didn’t quite feel like I belonged there. I didn’t feel like I deserved to be looking at the car, that I had the right, because I don’t have money to the degree that either the man or the owner of the Rolls Royce do. And then I realized that although this was not coming up within me in the moment as a conscious thought or even a feeling of fear or resistance, it was holding me back nonetheless. How can I be my very best if there are still limitations within me that prevent me from expressing the value that I truly offer others?

So this experience may be of some value to you and others, because we live in a world run by a system where those with money use their money to make others feel undeserving of money. And yet the way to make money is to become comfortable with money, to expect it, to know that you deserve it. It’s a paradox. A catch-22. So then I realized that I don’t feel this way about money and wealth because I actually don’t deserve it, it is because of my pre-programming. It is just a program running that has created certain patterns of thought, feeling, and especially behavior; behaviors that prevent me from being my best in any moment and therefore adding the most value possible to other people’s lives.

So, again, it’s not about having a Rolls Royce, because that is just a car. But for us to change the system so that it is best for all, we must become very wealthy. Wealth is more than just money; it’s also the relationships you build, the network you create.

Within all of this I began to understand and realize the immense value of the writing process, the Journey to Life, the Desteni process. It is to find all those limitations within me, those points that are causing me to act in ways that are not best and to take responsibility and correct them so that my automated behaviors are not constantly counteracting my intentions. We learn about the power of intention in success and development circles, and intention is great, but if you have not automated your physical programming to be in alignment with your intent you will eventually fall away from your principle. Remember, energy cannot sustain itself. You require the grounding of that which you intend into your physical body, as your programming that exists in the cells of your body as words.

Another point that I became aware of after looking back at the experience I wrote about above, was the realization that I had a belief that because this man was successful already, he had no need for what I sell. Understand, at this point I was already selling a product that I had worked out for myself was Best for All. Now, the question is, if it is best for ALL, then why would someone’s monetary success exclude them from getting value from what I was offering. It was not that what I sell is not best for all, it was that I had a limiting belief that because someone has money that they won’t listen. And even deeper than that, I actually just felt inferior to this person and how can I, someone not as successful, tell this person that they need something more?

That is how the mind plays tricks on us, lol. The fact is, no matter how successful one is, no matter how much money one makes, it will not protect them from at some point experiencing the consequences of not ensuring that the world is best for everyone. Whether they face the point in this life when the world comes crashing down around them (see: The Natural Learning Ability of the Human for reference) or whether they face it when they die and have to look back at what they done and realize that they were never real and thus have nothing to keep them grounded in reality (see: Life Reviews on EQAFE for reference). Even the elite do not have it all. They have simply been placed in a position where they can, for a short time, escape the experience of the negative consequences of a system that is not best for all. And the only way for them to change the inevitable is to become a person of integrity that stands for life in all ways and to do their part in creating a better world, starting with their own inner world. And because what I sell assists and supports a person to do just that, then everyone is a potential client. Of course, I then have to become very good at communicating, to be able to talk to a person where they are at. To paint the right pictures so they can see past their filters and belief systems to the truth of what I am saying and to create just the right emotional state that will counter the emotional state being used against them by the system to then direct them into a course of action that is best for them. So, if you have a product that can support you to become an effective communicator then that is EVEN BETTER!

I’ll end today with some self-forgiveness and self-correction on the points above. But before we get to that, I just want to say that I appreciate all the feedback I’m getting on this blog and that if you wouldn’t mind leaving me a comment letting me know your thoughts and if you are receiving benefit from this, then I would appreciate it immensely. If you have constructive criticism, that is appreciated as well. Thanks for reading.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that money is evil.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that money is the problem in this world, not realizing that it is how and why money is used that is the problem and therefore it is our individual acceptance and allowance of the system as it exists that is the problem in this world.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that the money system is a reflection of who I am.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge other people who have money as bad, instead of learning from them the ways in which to become wealthy but within the starting point of using money and wealth to create a world that is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to expect that money should just be given to me, not realizing that we live in a system where nothing is free and therefore free is abuse and thus if I am getting something for free, someone, somewhere is being abused on my behalf.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that I have the capacity to creath money and wealth networks to bring about changes in the system through business, education, politics and economics and within that I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am not capable of standing within this point.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that one does not have to be special to make money, nor to stand within the principle of what is best, one must simply apply the tools that work consistently, long enough to get the result.

I commit myself to becoming the best communicator possible to sell each person I meet on taking the next logical step to becoming their very best.

I commit myself to becoming wealthy and to use that wealth to support in every way possible the creation of a system that is best for all.

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

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