Saturday, October 24, 2015

Day 5: How to Use Emotions in Selling

Before we jump into the point for today’s post, I’d like to start with a little side point. Don’t skip ahead, this will be worth it.


That is the secret to the Law of Attraction. But here’s the catch. If you only try to create this feeling in your mind and you try to GET this feeling for yourself, you are ignoring UNIVERSAL LAW. You cannot GET without GIVING. So, if you want to GET the BEST FEELING, then do what is BEST in every moment. Then you will be given the Best. And it is best to feel good isn’t it? But if your good feeling comes at the expense of another, it’s not best, and then you will not get the best. Feeling good is the natural result of doing what is best. That is the LAW OF ATTRACTION at its finest.

In sales training, law of attraction training, success training, etc you are taught to write down your goals. All successful people do this. In GIN, we are taught to write them down on white paper with blue ink and to focus on them day and night. Something ‘magical’ happens, apparently.

But look, here is something really MAGICAL. If you write down everything about yourself, in total self-honesty, and you examine every way in which you are not doing your best, thinking your best, feeling your best, and here BEST must be BEST FOR ALL, otherwise if you harm any part of the universe it will come back to you, give as you’d like to receive, but receive as you’ve given. Now, if you write out all the ways you are not the best you could be, and then forgive yourself on every point, and then write down exactly who you want to be, the best possible version you can work out, and you can have a buddy check it out and make sure you are not fooling yourself, then it’s like MAGIC! You will become what you write! Try it. That’s what the Journey to Life is all about!

I mean that alone was worth the price of admission!

Ok, now to the subject for tonight:

I have the fortune to have some of the greatest mentors possible. I did not figure this stuff out on my own. But I am generally a good student so I listen and I apply. Remember, knowledge without application is useless. Apply this and see for yourself!

Selling is no more, no less than the transference of feelings. I mentioned this yesterday. Now, so many people have a resistance to sales. You know what that means? YOU HAVE BEEN SOLD.


The elite of this world are all salespeople. Everything in this world runs on money. Life is not all about money, but when it costs money to live, we must come to terms with this fact. That is why you must become RICH as HELL. Imagine what a hundred billionaires with principle could accomplish in this world. What does the US Presidency cost? A few billion? Donald Trump is proving that right now. You just need money.

So most people fear selling, because selling is the highest paid profession. There is virtually no limit to how much money you can make. So, if the key to power in this world is making lots of money, and the key to making lots of money is sales, doesn’t it make sense that those who have mastered the art of persuasion and influence would use their money and skills to prevent you from competing with them? So you fear sales, because you have been sold! We will discuss how that works in a moment, so that your greatest weakness will become your greatest strength.

We already addressed in yesterday’s post the key to sustaining success in selling, through finding a product or service that is Best for All. Now we will discuss some of the mechanics. Again Selling is the transference of feeling. At the moment everyone (read: 99.9999999% of people) are completely 100% motivated by feelings. Most of them are not aware of; it all happens at subconscious and unconscious levels. The advertisers understand this, which is why they hide naked women in coke bottle pictures. You see this over and over again and you are clueless as to why for some reason you are ‘attracted’ to coke. They do this type of thing all the time. So your feelings are your weakness. But realize if everyone is motivated by feelings, and you have a product or service that is Best for All, and you want to get people to use it so that they can become their best, then if you try to explain things logically, are they going to be motivated to act? No, because one, the education system has brainwashed them to not be able to have a single logical, reasonable thought outside of what the TV tells them to think, and two, they are not motivated by logic. They are motivated by feelings. Observe people in a bar hitting on each other. Does the guy who takes the woman home have the best logical argument? Of course not. He knows how to play on the right emotions.

So in sales, you have to spend enough time with someone to find out what are the points of feeling and emotion that motivate them. Remember, if you don’t do this, you will not sell. Everyone does it, but they do it to harm and abuse (whether they realize it or not.) But you have done your homework, and you are giving as you want to receive. If someone had the best thing for you, wouldn’t you hope they would be willing to manipulate you a little if it’s to your benefit? If you’re child won’t take the cure for cancer, would you say, “No, I don’t want them to die, but I just can’t manipulate them.” Of course not, you would do whatever you have to. So if what you have is best for a person you will do what it takes, because its BEST.

Now, here is the point many fear. They think that if they have to use emotions and feelings to sell, then they must be experiencing these emotions and feelings themselves. Some won’t care about this, but if you’ve been walking this process for some time, this may come up for you as  a resistance. But here is the key point to realize. YOU don’t have to experience or feel these emotions and feelings. You just have to get the customer to. How do you do that? Same way everyone does it. With words and pictures. You tell stories. A story is just a picture you paint with words that elicits emotions. For example, imagine that you have this beautiful delicious apple. Its looks so tasty and ripe. Inside this apple is a worm. You don’t know it but it’s in there. You take a big bite and crunch the apple in your mouth and then suddenly you feel this big juicy worm wriggling in your mouth. You can taste some of its slimy guts dripping down your throat and you start to gag, and then you start to vomit inside of your mouth and there’s the vomit and the guts and you are gagging… What are you feeling? I’m not feeling anything towards that. But it’s fun imagining how you are feeling. This is just an example. When I used the example of the child needing his medicine, I was telling a story as well. I bet you could paint that story even better with more detail and elicit more emotion. Give it a try.

So within this, you know your product is the best, you have done your research, and now you have a tool to elicit emotion. But why is it important that you do not have any emotion or feeling moving within yourself? Because then you can be manipulated. So when someone tells me they couldn’t sell a certain customer because they had this and this objection, the fact is the salesperson got sold. They allowed the customer to manipulate them.

So what is the key here. Going back to yesterday’s post, the point is to get to 100% clarity that what you are doing is Best for All. Then nothing can move you. Use this writing process. Sign up for DIP Lite to learn the tools of self-forgiveness, and self-corrective writing.

Here is the final ‘thought’ for today. The one who is emotional is the one who buys. Money flows to the one who is stable. Just like water, it seeks stability. That is why money is currency. Because the flow of water is the current. It is seeking stability. If you want to ATTRACT money then become the thing it is looking for: Stability, within the starting point of what is best for all. This will support you to remain standing no matter what Life or, god forbid, a customer, throws at you. Then as you stand within what is best for all, guess what you will receive? Again, the law of attraction says that you will attract what is best. Pretty cool, huh?

Become a person of integrity. Become a person of action. It’s easy to say you want to change the world, but what will you do about it?

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

1 comment:

  1. These blogs are fantastic and timely. They are practical, applicable, and based on a kind of wisdom that comes only from real world, real time application. I know this because I have walked many of the same points in different ways but have always come back to the exact same conclusions and insights as those presented here. KEEP THESE COMING!
