Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Day 8: This Too Shall Pass

Life is not a game. Business is a game. One of my mentors told me that when I went to him for support during a challenge within my business. Sport is competitive. There is a winner and loser. It’s tough. People try to cheat. But it’s also fun. It’s exciting, exhilarating at times. This challenge, although not apparent to me at first, was my first real competition in the business world. I wasn’t prepared for it, but then how could I have been? What I quickly realized though was that preparation was irrelevant, because my principle was all that mattered. When you are in a fight and you’re feeling defeated and you want to give up, what is that keeps you going? Is it the promise of reward? Is it the desire for recognition? Is it that you’re looking for a feeling of accomplishment? In any other business those would have been the common reasons, but for me, none of those things are ultimately important. What’s important is that what I am doing is best. If it wasn’t it would be easy to walk away. But when you know WHY you’re doing something, then there’s no giving up. It’s not even an option. And paradoxically, that is real freedom. Because when we bind ourselves to the principle of what is Best for All, we do not bend with what experience throws at us. We have the freedom to choose the right thing no matter whether the experience is positive or negative. And within this realization I found my real strength. If you go back and look at the post for Day 1 where we discussed energy vs structure and Day 5 discussing the use of emotions in selling, you’ll see that the one who bases themselves in energy is the one who eventually loses. Because energy always has a beginning and an end. Don’t believe what they tell you that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. That is lies that are put there to fuck with your mind. If energy can’t be destroyed then why is there divorce? Energy doesn’t last. Principle does.

So, when the competition came, looking for a way to destroy what I (along with many others) had spent years building, I had to very quickly learn to compete at a totally different level. It would be like playing little league and then being called up to the minors (I’m not going to say the major league, because that would give these guys too much credit, lol). Also, understand when I am talking about the competition, it’s not personal. I don’t hold a grudge because I realize that the reason we abuse and fight and compete is because we have abdicated our responsibility to a system, which is the Ego. The ego is the result of separating ourselves from life. And at this point in time it has become like an entity in itself. It is antithetical to life. It is in fact death itself. It is energy based and therefore has to move from host to host sucking the life out of every person it touches. The sad thing is that we allow it. We accept it. We in fact created it, we’ve just allowed ourselves to forget. So, now we have to take responsibility and direct it. And in this ‘fight’ our tools will be self-honesty, where we allow ourselves to examine who we are, who we have become, being open and honest with ourselves so that we may see the err of our ways; self-forgiveness to allow ourselves to stop the cycle of self-reinforcement, to not punish ourselves and perpetuate the abuse, to open ourselves up with a clean slate; self-correction to correct those parts of ourselves that do not act in ways that are best for ourselves and everyone else, to restructure ourselves from the clear starting point to rebuild a foundation within ourselves that will support us to act in ways that are best. We don’t actually have to ‘fight’ the ego, because that will only strengthen it. We only have to forgive ourselves, take self-responsibility, and remain stable within our principle, and eventually the ego will run out of energy.

So within a business based on principle, you are going to find yourself in fights. You can’t stand up for Life in a system of abuse and not expect to piss someone off. And when the fight comes, just remember WHY you are doing what you’re doing. Remember your starting point. Remain stable and realize that the attacker is in fact YOU; a part of you that has gone astray and is coming back looking for direction. Clear the emotions, forgive, and direct. That is how we will weather any storm that may come. Eventually the storm will pass.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to doubt my purpose.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react to another’s words when it calls my purpose into question.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to project my own abuse of life outside of myself and to blame others and judge others as abusers when in fact we all live in an abusive system, and thus as long as this system exists within the starting point of abuse, no one is able to claim any form of innocence, and yet within that I have the capacity to change myself to no longer accept the system as it is and to face any challenge presented to obstruct my way to changing the system to one that is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to attack others for having a lack of integrity, not realizing that the system that we have accepted and allowed has no integrity as evidenced by the thousands of children who starve every day and who are abused by those in positions of trust and care, and that integrity will never exist until it exists everywhere, and thus it is not integrity that one should stand by, but the principle of what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame others for my failures and my limitations, not realizing that in doing so I actually place myself in a position of failure and limitation.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that business is constructed as a game with winners and losers, and that unfortunately we have allowed this game to control Life, instead of supporting all Life equally and utilizing business as a fun and creative way to experience Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am weak and not able to compete in the game of business.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I lack the resolve and fortitude to succeed in business.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that the challenges I face in business are opportunities to make me stronger, to prepare me to handle greater challenges and to thus succeed in even greater ways than before.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to perceive others who do not cooperate in business as the enemy.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that all men and women are my brothers and sisters and that as I do unto them they will do unto me, and thus I commit myself to give to my brothers and sisters my very best, and if I think, feel, believe, or perceive that they do not, then I forgive myself and them as myself until this world is transformed to one where no abuse exist and everyone has every possible opportunity to experience the full joy and happiness of Life equal and one.

I commit myself to stand within the principle of what is best for all by stopping participation within emotions both in the moment through breath and through self-discovery within this writing process to prepare myself to handle greater and greater challenges that require stability in the face of the revenge of the go, and to have the greatest impact that is best for all within the time that I have left on earth.

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

1 comment:

  1. Another awesome blog. I am on the cusp of joining Techno-Tutor after 30 years of nursing and I find your blog is helping me to overcome some of the negative "programming" I carry within myself in regards to selling/business. Thank u.
