Friday, October 23, 2015

Day 4: The Real Secret to Ultimate Success in Selling

You can go to seminar after seminar to learn sales techniques and those will probably help but if you want to jump into selling right now with little or no experience and be ahead of the game right off the bat, then you will want to read further. If you are already in sales and looking for an edge, then this is it.

Selling is no more, no less than the transference of feeling. (This is not the secret, just a well-known fact about selling, just to set the stage before we reveal the secret.) This is why advertising works even though we watch ads and think “What a stupid/annoying ad, I would never buy that from this ad.” And yet if no one is buying these products from the ads then why would companies spend millions of dollars on advertising? Not to mention the countless dollars spent on the image and brand consultants and the PR people and the marketing experts who hand craft the advertising to appeal in just the right way to your subconscious, so that without even knowing it you just know that when it comes to Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, “They’re….”. If you live in America (and perhaps elsewhere), your mind will automatically fill in the blank. Is a Mac computer actually more hip and cool than a PC? No matter what your preference of computer you probably think that hip people who know nothing about computers use macs and only nerds use PC’s. That is the power of advertising. I mean, this is happening at levels we are not even remotely aware of, but the experts know how it works.

Now, do you have 50 million dollars to spend on advertising? No? Then that approach is probably not going to work for you. And even if you have it, you still have to compete for ‘attention space’ with all the other companies advertising.

So where does that leave us, the average person wanting to make a success as an entrepreneur or a salesperson? Well, that is why this secret is so important. It’s not only important to you and me individually; it’s the key to changing the world. Sounds like a grandiose statement, I know, but just suspend judgment, allow me to make the case and then evaluate it and test it for yourself.

The key, the secret, the answer, if you will, to Ultimate Success in selling is to find something that you know for certain, with no doubt whatsoever is best for all. You may not think there is any such thing, but I can assure there are such things, however you will have to keep reading these posts to find out what they are. If you are really looking you will find them without my help anyway.

Ok, enough teasing on that point. Let’s examine the statement above. This is not just theoretical, by the way. I have tested it myself. I have proven it to myself. I observed others doing it, and I wanted to see if it was just something unique to that person(s) or if it was applicable no matter what. So, you will have to prove it as well. But first lets look at why you would want to test it.

One of the main problems that sales people face, especially in the beginning of sales, which is why most people quit before they ever actually begin the real learning process necessary, is a fear of failure. This fear can take the form of fear of rejection, but it all comes down to the same point which is fear of not succeeding at what one sets out to do. Now, no matter who you are you are not going to sell every person that you present your product or service to. You will fail at times. But the real point is that those who succeed, in the end, are those who never give up.  Why is it so important, then that the product or service you sell be best for all? Because when you are clear, when you are certain, that what you are offering is best for all, you will not be controlled by fear, and if/when any fear does come up, you will be able to move past it. Read my previous posts on principle as well to support you within grasping this point. If you know that you have ‘done your homework’ so to speak then when you ask someone to pay for what you are offering, then you will have no feeling of guilt. Guilt about taking someone’s money is a very challenging point for some salespeople to overcome. But if you know, not believe, but KNOW, that beyond a shadow of a doubt, that what you are doing is best for that person and everyone else, then you will not be controlled by guilt. And if guilt comes up, which it probably will because of your pre-programming, thanks to those selling an abusive education system to the world currently, then you will be able to look at the guilt square in the eye and stand up to it and kick it to the curb. If there is any doubt that what you are selling is not best, then when that guilt comes you will not be able to stand up against it. It will come again and again and each time you will not be able to face it and therefore it will grow in your mind like a virus until eventually you will find that you simply cannot go on with what you are doing. This happens to many salespeople. I’ve seen it with some of the best, who make millions and eventually it all comes crashing down. Some turn to spirituality and fall for the trap of believing money is evil. Some, sadly, have the ability to despite selling a product that is not actually best, to suppress that so much that they can have levels of success many would envy. But they usually end up having a big fall at some point. Look at Steve Jobs. And I mean, we are all going to die some day, and you have to wonder whether there will be a point after death where you will be called to answer for your actions on earth. Are you certain there isn’t?

When you find that point that is best, you must grab it and run with it. Don’t hesitate. Don’t waiver. Don’t stall. Grab it and move. Be a champion. A Champion for Life. A Champion in the Best sense of the word. Be a salesperson of integrity, one who recognizes that one gives what they receive, and that if they want the Best, they must give the Best. It’s that simple. Is this making sense? Sure, you may find some justification for why you don’t really care, as long as you make money, and sure you can do that, but it’s going to be a lot harder. You will have to find ways to suppress your guilt or worry or fear, instead of being able to simply move past it, knowing that you did your very best.

A principle in the self-development, law of attraction circles is ‘Feel good now.’

Well, is there any better way to always Feel good now, than to always do what is best. Then there can never be any doubt or guilt about feeling good. Feeling good is not actually a feeling; it’s a knowing that you have done your best. It’s a realization of fulfillment as an individual. It’s the gift one receives as one gives their best to the world. Is this becoming clear now? Do you want to be a person of integrity? Do you want to be a person who can look in the mirror and know that you have respect for yourself and everyone else, not because you demand it, but because you COMMAND IT.

Do your research. Find what is BEST for ALL and SELL that to the World. This world runs on money. If you, like me, have that feeling deep down that all is not well in this world and you want to do something about it, then realize that you must become RICH. You must support others to do so, those that are in a position to do so. He who has the gold makes the rules. Let’ s get rich together by selling the world on Changing! Let’s sell the tools that will support people to take responsibility for their lives! First and foremost, you must sell yourself on changing. That is why this writing process is so critical. It supports you in those moments where the pre-programmed doubt and fear come up. It’s like magic. Investigate the Journey to Life and begin with yourself, and prove to yourself that you can support others.

Keep reading as we investigate the tools that are best and as we walk this journey together we will both be able to meet at the end as equals and look back at our lives in satisfaction knowing that we did the very best we could given the circumstances. And let us be able to rest in peace knowing that we have left the world a better place than when we arrived.

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog. Thank you for these words of wisdom.
