Thursday, October 29, 2015

Day 9: The Money Paradox

One morning, some time ago, I was walking through a very wealthy neighborhood where the homes cost upwards of 10 million dollars with expansive front yards and large gates with security booths. As I passed by one house I noticed a beautiful 1960’s Rolls Royce parked on the street outside of the gated part. I had seen this car before and so I was curious, if only for the fact that it would be parked on the street and not somewhere more secure. So I went up to it to look inside and admire the craftsmanship. I thought it would be nice to take a picture so I went to the other side of the road and as I reached for my phone I hear a car coming so I looked up and waved and smiled and then went back to looking at the Rolls Royce waiting for the oncoming car to pass. But as it approached, it slowed down and eventually stopped between me and the Rolls Royce. It was a brand new black Range Rover, easily a $90,000 car and the the window was down. A man dressed in a business shirt and tie was driving and said, “It’s a beautiful car isn’t i?” I said that yes it was and we went back and forth discussing the curvature and the lines and I asked him if it was his car. He said no, it was his father-in-law’s and then asked if I lived in the neighborhood. I said, “No, I live south of here, but I walk here every morning, dream-building.” He said, “I understand that. I jog here every morning.” (Implying that he did not live there either and although he was obviously successful (by the looks of his Range Rover) he also had aspirations of achieving more. We then exchanged parting greetings and went our separate ways.

It wasn’t until I began walking away from the situation that I realize that I, although I spoke confidently and was polite and at ease within talking with this man, that I was in fact actually not as confident as I could have been. In fact, I could have asked the man what he did for a living, found out more about him, taken his business card, and followed up with him to show him the things I offer. That’s how business is done. But as I was walking afterwards I was looking at why I didn’t do any of that. There was no conscious thought of not wanting to talk about it, it just didn’t come up. Then I realized there was a point within me where I didn’t quite feel like I belonged there. I didn’t feel like I deserved to be looking at the car, that I had the right, because I don’t have money to the degree that either the man or the owner of the Rolls Royce do. And then I realized that although this was not coming up within me in the moment as a conscious thought or even a feeling of fear or resistance, it was holding me back nonetheless. How can I be my very best if there are still limitations within me that prevent me from expressing the value that I truly offer others?

So this experience may be of some value to you and others, because we live in a world run by a system where those with money use their money to make others feel undeserving of money. And yet the way to make money is to become comfortable with money, to expect it, to know that you deserve it. It’s a paradox. A catch-22. So then I realized that I don’t feel this way about money and wealth because I actually don’t deserve it, it is because of my pre-programming. It is just a program running that has created certain patterns of thought, feeling, and especially behavior; behaviors that prevent me from being my best in any moment and therefore adding the most value possible to other people’s lives.

So, again, it’s not about having a Rolls Royce, because that is just a car. But for us to change the system so that it is best for all, we must become very wealthy. Wealth is more than just money; it’s also the relationships you build, the network you create.

Within all of this I began to understand and realize the immense value of the writing process, the Journey to Life, the Desteni process. It is to find all those limitations within me, those points that are causing me to act in ways that are not best and to take responsibility and correct them so that my automated behaviors are not constantly counteracting my intentions. We learn about the power of intention in success and development circles, and intention is great, but if you have not automated your physical programming to be in alignment with your intent you will eventually fall away from your principle. Remember, energy cannot sustain itself. You require the grounding of that which you intend into your physical body, as your programming that exists in the cells of your body as words.

Another point that I became aware of after looking back at the experience I wrote about above, was the realization that I had a belief that because this man was successful already, he had no need for what I sell. Understand, at this point I was already selling a product that I had worked out for myself was Best for All. Now, the question is, if it is best for ALL, then why would someone’s monetary success exclude them from getting value from what I was offering. It was not that what I sell is not best for all, it was that I had a limiting belief that because someone has money that they won’t listen. And even deeper than that, I actually just felt inferior to this person and how can I, someone not as successful, tell this person that they need something more?

That is how the mind plays tricks on us, lol. The fact is, no matter how successful one is, no matter how much money one makes, it will not protect them from at some point experiencing the consequences of not ensuring that the world is best for everyone. Whether they face the point in this life when the world comes crashing down around them (see: The Natural Learning Ability of the Human for reference) or whether they face it when they die and have to look back at what they done and realize that they were never real and thus have nothing to keep them grounded in reality (see: Life Reviews on EQAFE for reference). Even the elite do not have it all. They have simply been placed in a position where they can, for a short time, escape the experience of the negative consequences of a system that is not best for all. And the only way for them to change the inevitable is to become a person of integrity that stands for life in all ways and to do their part in creating a better world, starting with their own inner world. And because what I sell assists and supports a person to do just that, then everyone is a potential client. Of course, I then have to become very good at communicating, to be able to talk to a person where they are at. To paint the right pictures so they can see past their filters and belief systems to the truth of what I am saying and to create just the right emotional state that will counter the emotional state being used against them by the system to then direct them into a course of action that is best for them. So, if you have a product that can support you to become an effective communicator then that is EVEN BETTER!

I’ll end today with some self-forgiveness and self-correction on the points above. But before we get to that, I just want to say that I appreciate all the feedback I’m getting on this blog and that if you wouldn’t mind leaving me a comment letting me know your thoughts and if you are receiving benefit from this, then I would appreciate it immensely. If you have constructive criticism, that is appreciated as well. Thanks for reading.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that money is evil.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that money is the problem in this world, not realizing that it is how and why money is used that is the problem and therefore it is our individual acceptance and allowance of the system as it exists that is the problem in this world.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that the money system is a reflection of who I am.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge other people who have money as bad, instead of learning from them the ways in which to become wealthy but within the starting point of using money and wealth to create a world that is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to expect that money should just be given to me, not realizing that we live in a system where nothing is free and therefore free is abuse and thus if I am getting something for free, someone, somewhere is being abused on my behalf.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that I have the capacity to creath money and wealth networks to bring about changes in the system through business, education, politics and economics and within that I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am not capable of standing within this point.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that one does not have to be special to make money, nor to stand within the principle of what is best, one must simply apply the tools that work consistently, long enough to get the result.

I commit myself to becoming the best communicator possible to sell each person I meet on taking the next logical step to becoming their very best.

I commit myself to becoming wealthy and to use that wealth to support in every way possible the creation of a system that is best for all.

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Day 8: This Too Shall Pass

Life is not a game. Business is a game. One of my mentors told me that when I went to him for support during a challenge within my business. Sport is competitive. There is a winner and loser. It’s tough. People try to cheat. But it’s also fun. It’s exciting, exhilarating at times. This challenge, although not apparent to me at first, was my first real competition in the business world. I wasn’t prepared for it, but then how could I have been? What I quickly realized though was that preparation was irrelevant, because my principle was all that mattered. When you are in a fight and you’re feeling defeated and you want to give up, what is that keeps you going? Is it the promise of reward? Is it the desire for recognition? Is it that you’re looking for a feeling of accomplishment? In any other business those would have been the common reasons, but for me, none of those things are ultimately important. What’s important is that what I am doing is best. If it wasn’t it would be easy to walk away. But when you know WHY you’re doing something, then there’s no giving up. It’s not even an option. And paradoxically, that is real freedom. Because when we bind ourselves to the principle of what is Best for All, we do not bend with what experience throws at us. We have the freedom to choose the right thing no matter whether the experience is positive or negative. And within this realization I found my real strength. If you go back and look at the post for Day 1 where we discussed energy vs structure and Day 5 discussing the use of emotions in selling, you’ll see that the one who bases themselves in energy is the one who eventually loses. Because energy always has a beginning and an end. Don’t believe what they tell you that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. That is lies that are put there to fuck with your mind. If energy can’t be destroyed then why is there divorce? Energy doesn’t last. Principle does.

So, when the competition came, looking for a way to destroy what I (along with many others) had spent years building, I had to very quickly learn to compete at a totally different level. It would be like playing little league and then being called up to the minors (I’m not going to say the major league, because that would give these guys too much credit, lol). Also, understand when I am talking about the competition, it’s not personal. I don’t hold a grudge because I realize that the reason we abuse and fight and compete is because we have abdicated our responsibility to a system, which is the Ego. The ego is the result of separating ourselves from life. And at this point in time it has become like an entity in itself. It is antithetical to life. It is in fact death itself. It is energy based and therefore has to move from host to host sucking the life out of every person it touches. The sad thing is that we allow it. We accept it. We in fact created it, we’ve just allowed ourselves to forget. So, now we have to take responsibility and direct it. And in this ‘fight’ our tools will be self-honesty, where we allow ourselves to examine who we are, who we have become, being open and honest with ourselves so that we may see the err of our ways; self-forgiveness to allow ourselves to stop the cycle of self-reinforcement, to not punish ourselves and perpetuate the abuse, to open ourselves up with a clean slate; self-correction to correct those parts of ourselves that do not act in ways that are best for ourselves and everyone else, to restructure ourselves from the clear starting point to rebuild a foundation within ourselves that will support us to act in ways that are best. We don’t actually have to ‘fight’ the ego, because that will only strengthen it. We only have to forgive ourselves, take self-responsibility, and remain stable within our principle, and eventually the ego will run out of energy.

So within a business based on principle, you are going to find yourself in fights. You can’t stand up for Life in a system of abuse and not expect to piss someone off. And when the fight comes, just remember WHY you are doing what you’re doing. Remember your starting point. Remain stable and realize that the attacker is in fact YOU; a part of you that has gone astray and is coming back looking for direction. Clear the emotions, forgive, and direct. That is how we will weather any storm that may come. Eventually the storm will pass.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to doubt my purpose.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react to another’s words when it calls my purpose into question.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to project my own abuse of life outside of myself and to blame others and judge others as abusers when in fact we all live in an abusive system, and thus as long as this system exists within the starting point of abuse, no one is able to claim any form of innocence, and yet within that I have the capacity to change myself to no longer accept the system as it is and to face any challenge presented to obstruct my way to changing the system to one that is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to attack others for having a lack of integrity, not realizing that the system that we have accepted and allowed has no integrity as evidenced by the thousands of children who starve every day and who are abused by those in positions of trust and care, and that integrity will never exist until it exists everywhere, and thus it is not integrity that one should stand by, but the principle of what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame others for my failures and my limitations, not realizing that in doing so I actually place myself in a position of failure and limitation.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that business is constructed as a game with winners and losers, and that unfortunately we have allowed this game to control Life, instead of supporting all Life equally and utilizing business as a fun and creative way to experience Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am weak and not able to compete in the game of business.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I lack the resolve and fortitude to succeed in business.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that the challenges I face in business are opportunities to make me stronger, to prepare me to handle greater challenges and to thus succeed in even greater ways than before.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to perceive others who do not cooperate in business as the enemy.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that all men and women are my brothers and sisters and that as I do unto them they will do unto me, and thus I commit myself to give to my brothers and sisters my very best, and if I think, feel, believe, or perceive that they do not, then I forgive myself and them as myself until this world is transformed to one where no abuse exist and everyone has every possible opportunity to experience the full joy and happiness of Life equal and one.

I commit myself to stand within the principle of what is best for all by stopping participation within emotions both in the moment through breath and through self-discovery within this writing process to prepare myself to handle greater and greater challenges that require stability in the face of the revenge of the go, and to have the greatest impact that is best for all within the time that I have left on earth.

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

Monday, October 26, 2015

Day 7: Failure is not the End

Challenges are inevitable in business. They say that those who really succeed are the ones who fail more than anyone else but keep getting back up and moving forward. We are taught to fear failure through our education system, the media, and the total environment really. In a survival system, failure is unacceptable because it means “the end.” And if we are honest with ourselves, the world is currently set up as a survival system. Some are in a position, due to money, that minor failures do not lead to immediate disaster, but for some, failure to earn a few dollars that day may mean they go to bed hungry. And a human being can only go to bed hungry so many times. Failure to survive means death, and we all fear dying. But by participating in this fear we never allow ourselves to really LIVE. Life is not about survival (in principle), but that is what we have allowed it to become. Imagine a world where survival was guaranteed. What would failure mean in that context? It would then simply not achieving the desired result, but it would not be life or death. Failure is part of any learning process, thus if we fear failure, we prevent ourselves from learning. Being open to learn from one’s experience is a key basic fundamental that one must constantly work on mastering as an entrepreneur. But, if we are participating in fear of failure, then we close ourselves to being open to learn. Thus our teachability drops and we find it very difficult to move forward, whether in business or in life more generally. So, we are presented with an interesting challenge, that we must not participate in fear of failure, and yet fear of failure is ingrained in us from a young age.

So, the choice is clear, we must either confront our fear or accept it and thus consign ourselves to a life of, well, failure. Isn’t that interesting? If we accept fear of failure (which we think will prevent us from failing) we ultimately fail. You might think, “But if we avoid failure then we survive, right?” No, because everyone dies. Isn’t that interesting? Our system is based on a constant focus on survival, and yet death is inevitable? Its really pretty insane when you think about it. What if we, for a moment, accepted the inevitability of our death, and despite that decided to LIVE in each moment regardless. Does the fact that you will die, mean that you should throw all principle out of the window and just fight for survival? It makes no sense and yet it’s what we do.

We fight each other for control of a reality that none of us can possible really own. We lie to ourselves and pretend that our accumulation of wealth and knowledge matters, when in fact all that matters is WHO WE ARE. Given a reality where so many suffer, as both a direct and indirect result of each of our individual actions, will we ignore the suffering and only seek our own (limited) happiness, or will we stand within the principle of doing what is best and thus DO our very best to stop the system of abuse that is causing the suffering? We must examine how we perpetuate it with our own actions, but not be so naive to think that by not participating we have had a lasting effect. The solution is not to stop participating in the system as an individual, it is to stop allowing yourself to be controlled and manipulated by a system that does not have everyone's best interest at heart, and to within that support others to wake up and to take responsibility for the system as a whole.

Do you think that if you decide to stand up for what is best that you will not be challenged? We live in a system that has absolute control over every aspect of our lives, so standing up and supporting others as oneself to do the same will not be an easy task. It will in fact be the greatest task that we could possibly conceive. It will take real creativity and courage. It will involve failing over and over and over until we are able to finally stand without wavering. The only thing we have to guide us in this is our principle, to do what is best, to the best of our ability. Our minds will play tricks, because they have been designed to do that. Our reasoning and our logic will not always be sound, because they have been designed to limit us. Our trust in ourselves will be constantly challenged. We will doubt ourselves at times. The most important thing is that we never give up. Giving up just means delaying the process, because eventually you will get tired of being stuck where you are and have to start again, but it will be harder, because you will have the memories of giving up on yourself. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how many times you have failed. If you are breathing right now, then you have this moment to begin again. It doesn’t matter if your whole world is crashing down around you. Just breathe and let the dust settle. In the end the principle of what is best will stand. There can be nothing else.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear failure.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that failure is the end.

i forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define failure as negative.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to see the gift in failure, in that it provides me with the opportunity to become more specific in my application.

I forgive myself that I have judged others as failures.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself as a failure.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to wish failure on others out of jealousy over their success.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that success is not available for everyone and that I must compete with others to be successful.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define success and failure as things that apply to me personally, not realizing that we all succeed or fail together, because we are all together, collectively one, and thus competition is pointless because there can be no winners ultimately.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be manipulated, both by myself and through others as myself, through the words success and failure.

I commit myself to placing my focus on the success of all Life, which is to say that I commit myself to becoming the best that I can be and to supporting others to be their very best.

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Day 6: The Responsibility of Wealth

Today’s post will consist mainly of self-forgiveness and Self-Commitment statements, however, before we get to that we will look at a point that is important to consider for anyone entering sales, especially those who would utilize sales as a means to bring forth solutions that honor all Life and contribute to making the world a better place for everyone.

It is important that one consider that everyone you speak to is in fact a reflection of you. Thus, when someone does something that is not best, that is in fact you doing that. So, within that we recognize that we have a responsibility, now, to correct those parts of ourselves that are not acting in a way that is best for all. We start with ourselves, obviously, and we learn as we go how to support others. Within this, communication and influence become your primary tools, as a salesperson or an entrepreneur. The ability to communicate, which is to use words, and have another person take a specific action as a result, is the primary tool used by the entrepreneur to create a measurable effect in this world. We will use our skills to sell everyone on becoming the best version of themselves possible, and thus create a better world. 

Within this, an important point to consider is that with each person you talk to, they have their own specific mindset and level of awareness. You must be aware of this so that when you talk to people you talk to them in a way they understand. Many people who get into sales make the mistake of trying to be right with their customer. You can be right, but if you don’t get the other person to act, then you have not had the result that matters. And if you are representing a product or service that is best for all, then every person you do not sell, you have actually harmed them. Do not become disheartened at this, but use it to spur you to develop your skills of communication to your fullest capacity. The primary way to do this is to talk with others and to observe how they respond or react. Be aware of yourself and where you react, keeping in mind yesterday’s post. Remember that if you are reacting, then you are being sold. And if you are clear that what you are offering is best then you cannot afford to react. So when these points come up, use the tools presented here and within the Desteni I Process to remove them. Remember: money flows to the one who is stable. The one who is in emotion is the one who buys.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I must compromise my principles in order to live.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that survival is more important than anything else, even if it means I have to compromise my principles and harm and abuse in order to survive.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that by choosing to place the utmost value on survival, that I have participated in creating an environment that reinforces survival as the utmost value, and thus have created money as as tool which is used for survival of the fittest and not for what is best for all life equally.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that money is evil, and to thus place the responsibility for using money as a tool to create a system that is best for all outside of myself, and within that trapping myself according to the principle of give as you’d like to receive to experience life as a constant battle between good and evil, where survival at all costs has become the focus of life, no matter how much one has to abuse and harm.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that living in comfort while others struggle to survive is actually bringing harm and abuse to myself, because those others are actually me because they are equal as life.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that even a life of comfort in this world is still a life of survival, it is just that I have been born into an environment where survival has been automated to a point where less focus and effort is required, however this system of survival works at the expense of others, where the indirect and in some cases direct result is that other people go to bed hungry and are abused and exploited by others for money, all while I live in my life of comfort.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the purpose of money in this world is to have a life of comfort and fun, when I have not considered that there are others in this world who do not have any possibility of having such a life because of the system that I participate within and accept.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that success is defined as the achievement of material possessions and the accumulation of money, and that I have not considered that the achievement of possessions and the accumulation of money in itself has no value because real value is Life itself, which makes all things possible, and within that I realize that success is taking responsibility for myself in each moment to live the best version of myself possible and to correct every aspect of myself that is not serving Life as what is Best for All, and to correct each part of me that I have separated from myself as systems which are not operating in a way that is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that sales, business, and money are evil and that they are the problem of why there is suffering and abuse in this world, when in fact they are one of the keys, for those who have the capacity to direct the systems of this world to become best for all.

I commit myself to becoming the best version of myself possible, to correct the parts of myself that are not acting in a way that is best for all, and to correct those systems that I have given my authority to act on my behalf until both inner being and my outer being as this world are both in full support of all Life equally.

I commit myself to become effective within business, to create a business of integrity that supports each person whom we influence and affect to become the best version of themselves possible as best as we practically possibly can.

I commit myself to use my accumulation of wealth, both money and material property, to create a world that is best for all, through providing products to others that support them to become their best, and to influence and design systems to support those who are not in positions to support themselves, so that we may redesign our environment to support future generations to have the opportunity to experience a better world and to develop the common sense to see the oneness and equality of all life.

I commit myself to utilize all of my talents, capabilities and strengths to uplift and support others and to become the most effective entrepreneur that I can, and to identify and work on strengthening my weaknesses and to develop the sight to see the strengths of others so that I may be able to multiply my effectiveness through others, for the best benefit of all.

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Day 5: How to Use Emotions in Selling

Before we jump into the point for today’s post, I’d like to start with a little side point. Don’t skip ahead, this will be worth it.


That is the secret to the Law of Attraction. But here’s the catch. If you only try to create this feeling in your mind and you try to GET this feeling for yourself, you are ignoring UNIVERSAL LAW. You cannot GET without GIVING. So, if you want to GET the BEST FEELING, then do what is BEST in every moment. Then you will be given the Best. And it is best to feel good isn’t it? But if your good feeling comes at the expense of another, it’s not best, and then you will not get the best. Feeling good is the natural result of doing what is best. That is the LAW OF ATTRACTION at its finest.

In sales training, law of attraction training, success training, etc you are taught to write down your goals. All successful people do this. In GIN, we are taught to write them down on white paper with blue ink and to focus on them day and night. Something ‘magical’ happens, apparently.

But look, here is something really MAGICAL. If you write down everything about yourself, in total self-honesty, and you examine every way in which you are not doing your best, thinking your best, feeling your best, and here BEST must be BEST FOR ALL, otherwise if you harm any part of the universe it will come back to you, give as you’d like to receive, but receive as you’ve given. Now, if you write out all the ways you are not the best you could be, and then forgive yourself on every point, and then write down exactly who you want to be, the best possible version you can work out, and you can have a buddy check it out and make sure you are not fooling yourself, then it’s like MAGIC! You will become what you write! Try it. That’s what the Journey to Life is all about!

I mean that alone was worth the price of admission!

Ok, now to the subject for tonight:

I have the fortune to have some of the greatest mentors possible. I did not figure this stuff out on my own. But I am generally a good student so I listen and I apply. Remember, knowledge without application is useless. Apply this and see for yourself!

Selling is no more, no less than the transference of feelings. I mentioned this yesterday. Now, so many people have a resistance to sales. You know what that means? YOU HAVE BEEN SOLD.


The elite of this world are all salespeople. Everything in this world runs on money. Life is not all about money, but when it costs money to live, we must come to terms with this fact. That is why you must become RICH as HELL. Imagine what a hundred billionaires with principle could accomplish in this world. What does the US Presidency cost? A few billion? Donald Trump is proving that right now. You just need money.

So most people fear selling, because selling is the highest paid profession. There is virtually no limit to how much money you can make. So, if the key to power in this world is making lots of money, and the key to making lots of money is sales, doesn’t it make sense that those who have mastered the art of persuasion and influence would use their money and skills to prevent you from competing with them? So you fear sales, because you have been sold! We will discuss how that works in a moment, so that your greatest weakness will become your greatest strength.

We already addressed in yesterday’s post the key to sustaining success in selling, through finding a product or service that is Best for All. Now we will discuss some of the mechanics. Again Selling is the transference of feeling. At the moment everyone (read: 99.9999999% of people) are completely 100% motivated by feelings. Most of them are not aware of; it all happens at subconscious and unconscious levels. The advertisers understand this, which is why they hide naked women in coke bottle pictures. You see this over and over again and you are clueless as to why for some reason you are ‘attracted’ to coke. They do this type of thing all the time. So your feelings are your weakness. But realize if everyone is motivated by feelings, and you have a product or service that is Best for All, and you want to get people to use it so that they can become their best, then if you try to explain things logically, are they going to be motivated to act? No, because one, the education system has brainwashed them to not be able to have a single logical, reasonable thought outside of what the TV tells them to think, and two, they are not motivated by logic. They are motivated by feelings. Observe people in a bar hitting on each other. Does the guy who takes the woman home have the best logical argument? Of course not. He knows how to play on the right emotions.

So in sales, you have to spend enough time with someone to find out what are the points of feeling and emotion that motivate them. Remember, if you don’t do this, you will not sell. Everyone does it, but they do it to harm and abuse (whether they realize it or not.) But you have done your homework, and you are giving as you want to receive. If someone had the best thing for you, wouldn’t you hope they would be willing to manipulate you a little if it’s to your benefit? If you’re child won’t take the cure for cancer, would you say, “No, I don’t want them to die, but I just can’t manipulate them.” Of course not, you would do whatever you have to. So if what you have is best for a person you will do what it takes, because its BEST.

Now, here is the point many fear. They think that if they have to use emotions and feelings to sell, then they must be experiencing these emotions and feelings themselves. Some won’t care about this, but if you’ve been walking this process for some time, this may come up for you as  a resistance. But here is the key point to realize. YOU don’t have to experience or feel these emotions and feelings. You just have to get the customer to. How do you do that? Same way everyone does it. With words and pictures. You tell stories. A story is just a picture you paint with words that elicits emotions. For example, imagine that you have this beautiful delicious apple. Its looks so tasty and ripe. Inside this apple is a worm. You don’t know it but it’s in there. You take a big bite and crunch the apple in your mouth and then suddenly you feel this big juicy worm wriggling in your mouth. You can taste some of its slimy guts dripping down your throat and you start to gag, and then you start to vomit inside of your mouth and there’s the vomit and the guts and you are gagging… What are you feeling? I’m not feeling anything towards that. But it’s fun imagining how you are feeling. This is just an example. When I used the example of the child needing his medicine, I was telling a story as well. I bet you could paint that story even better with more detail and elicit more emotion. Give it a try.

So within this, you know your product is the best, you have done your research, and now you have a tool to elicit emotion. But why is it important that you do not have any emotion or feeling moving within yourself? Because then you can be manipulated. So when someone tells me they couldn’t sell a certain customer because they had this and this objection, the fact is the salesperson got sold. They allowed the customer to manipulate them.

So what is the key here. Going back to yesterday’s post, the point is to get to 100% clarity that what you are doing is Best for All. Then nothing can move you. Use this writing process. Sign up for DIP Lite to learn the tools of self-forgiveness, and self-corrective writing.

Here is the final ‘thought’ for today. The one who is emotional is the one who buys. Money flows to the one who is stable. Just like water, it seeks stability. That is why money is currency. Because the flow of water is the current. It is seeking stability. If you want to ATTRACT money then become the thing it is looking for: Stability, within the starting point of what is best for all. This will support you to remain standing no matter what Life or, god forbid, a customer, throws at you. Then as you stand within what is best for all, guess what you will receive? Again, the law of attraction says that you will attract what is best. Pretty cool, huh?

Become a person of integrity. Become a person of action. It’s easy to say you want to change the world, but what will you do about it?

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

Friday, October 23, 2015

Day 4: The Real Secret to Ultimate Success in Selling

You can go to seminar after seminar to learn sales techniques and those will probably help but if you want to jump into selling right now with little or no experience and be ahead of the game right off the bat, then you will want to read further. If you are already in sales and looking for an edge, then this is it.

Selling is no more, no less than the transference of feeling. (This is not the secret, just a well-known fact about selling, just to set the stage before we reveal the secret.) This is why advertising works even though we watch ads and think “What a stupid/annoying ad, I would never buy that from this ad.” And yet if no one is buying these products from the ads then why would companies spend millions of dollars on advertising? Not to mention the countless dollars spent on the image and brand consultants and the PR people and the marketing experts who hand craft the advertising to appeal in just the right way to your subconscious, so that without even knowing it you just know that when it comes to Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, “They’re….”. If you live in America (and perhaps elsewhere), your mind will automatically fill in the blank. Is a Mac computer actually more hip and cool than a PC? No matter what your preference of computer you probably think that hip people who know nothing about computers use macs and only nerds use PC’s. That is the power of advertising. I mean, this is happening at levels we are not even remotely aware of, but the experts know how it works.

Now, do you have 50 million dollars to spend on advertising? No? Then that approach is probably not going to work for you. And even if you have it, you still have to compete for ‘attention space’ with all the other companies advertising.

So where does that leave us, the average person wanting to make a success as an entrepreneur or a salesperson? Well, that is why this secret is so important. It’s not only important to you and me individually; it’s the key to changing the world. Sounds like a grandiose statement, I know, but just suspend judgment, allow me to make the case and then evaluate it and test it for yourself.

The key, the secret, the answer, if you will, to Ultimate Success in selling is to find something that you know for certain, with no doubt whatsoever is best for all. You may not think there is any such thing, but I can assure there are such things, however you will have to keep reading these posts to find out what they are. If you are really looking you will find them without my help anyway.

Ok, enough teasing on that point. Let’s examine the statement above. This is not just theoretical, by the way. I have tested it myself. I have proven it to myself. I observed others doing it, and I wanted to see if it was just something unique to that person(s) or if it was applicable no matter what. So, you will have to prove it as well. But first lets look at why you would want to test it.

One of the main problems that sales people face, especially in the beginning of sales, which is why most people quit before they ever actually begin the real learning process necessary, is a fear of failure. This fear can take the form of fear of rejection, but it all comes down to the same point which is fear of not succeeding at what one sets out to do. Now, no matter who you are you are not going to sell every person that you present your product or service to. You will fail at times. But the real point is that those who succeed, in the end, are those who never give up.  Why is it so important, then that the product or service you sell be best for all? Because when you are clear, when you are certain, that what you are offering is best for all, you will not be controlled by fear, and if/when any fear does come up, you will be able to move past it. Read my previous posts on principle as well to support you within grasping this point. If you know that you have ‘done your homework’ so to speak then when you ask someone to pay for what you are offering, then you will have no feeling of guilt. Guilt about taking someone’s money is a very challenging point for some salespeople to overcome. But if you know, not believe, but KNOW, that beyond a shadow of a doubt, that what you are doing is best for that person and everyone else, then you will not be controlled by guilt. And if guilt comes up, which it probably will because of your pre-programming, thanks to those selling an abusive education system to the world currently, then you will be able to look at the guilt square in the eye and stand up to it and kick it to the curb. If there is any doubt that what you are selling is not best, then when that guilt comes you will not be able to stand up against it. It will come again and again and each time you will not be able to face it and therefore it will grow in your mind like a virus until eventually you will find that you simply cannot go on with what you are doing. This happens to many salespeople. I’ve seen it with some of the best, who make millions and eventually it all comes crashing down. Some turn to spirituality and fall for the trap of believing money is evil. Some, sadly, have the ability to despite selling a product that is not actually best, to suppress that so much that they can have levels of success many would envy. But they usually end up having a big fall at some point. Look at Steve Jobs. And I mean, we are all going to die some day, and you have to wonder whether there will be a point after death where you will be called to answer for your actions on earth. Are you certain there isn’t?

When you find that point that is best, you must grab it and run with it. Don’t hesitate. Don’t waiver. Don’t stall. Grab it and move. Be a champion. A Champion for Life. A Champion in the Best sense of the word. Be a salesperson of integrity, one who recognizes that one gives what they receive, and that if they want the Best, they must give the Best. It’s that simple. Is this making sense? Sure, you may find some justification for why you don’t really care, as long as you make money, and sure you can do that, but it’s going to be a lot harder. You will have to find ways to suppress your guilt or worry or fear, instead of being able to simply move past it, knowing that you did your very best.

A principle in the self-development, law of attraction circles is ‘Feel good now.’

Well, is there any better way to always Feel good now, than to always do what is best. Then there can never be any doubt or guilt about feeling good. Feeling good is not actually a feeling; it’s a knowing that you have done your best. It’s a realization of fulfillment as an individual. It’s the gift one receives as one gives their best to the world. Is this becoming clear now? Do you want to be a person of integrity? Do you want to be a person who can look in the mirror and know that you have respect for yourself and everyone else, not because you demand it, but because you COMMAND IT.

Do your research. Find what is BEST for ALL and SELL that to the World. This world runs on money. If you, like me, have that feeling deep down that all is not well in this world and you want to do something about it, then realize that you must become RICH. You must support others to do so, those that are in a position to do so. He who has the gold makes the rules. Let’ s get rich together by selling the world on Changing! Let’s sell the tools that will support people to take responsibility for their lives! First and foremost, you must sell yourself on changing. That is why this writing process is so critical. It supports you in those moments where the pre-programmed doubt and fear come up. It’s like magic. Investigate the Journey to Life and begin with yourself, and prove to yourself that you can support others.

Keep reading as we investigate the tools that are best and as we walk this journey together we will both be able to meet at the end as equals and look back at our lives in satisfaction knowing that we did the very best we could given the circumstances. And let us be able to rest in peace knowing that we have left the world a better place than when we arrived.

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Day 3: Adhering to Principle in Decision Making

What is the role of principle in making decisions as an entrepreneur? Let’s first take a look at how one would make decisions when there is no adherence to principle. In business, and in life, challenges come up. Disputes and conflicts arise and in these moments we are called to make decisions that will have consequences not only for our business or our own personal lives but also consequences for the lives of others.  The more successful one is at creating and expanding a business, then the more people’s lives one will affect. So, as a businessperson, one has a tremendous responsibility to make sure that one is making the right decision. And what is ‘right’? In the greatest possible context, ‘right’ would mean ‘what is best for all equally.’

So if a dispute or conflict arises and we throw our principle out the window then obviously the decision made will not be the best one. For example, let’s say one is looking to sign an important and lucrative contract with a new client. Now let’s say this new client is showing signs of doubt about entering into the contract. At this point, one has two options, to go into fear and then make decisions within that, or to remain with the principle of what is best for all and to make decisions within that context. In the self-development circles, one commonly hears that to be successful, one must always remain positive. People misunderstand this concept and take it to mean that they should avoid all negatives.  What it should be understood to mean is that one should always keep one’s goal in mind and to take any situation, whether positive or negative and find a way to use the situation to advance further towards one’s goal. Now, this says nothing of principle, so obviously if your goal is to sell a product that harms people, one could still apply this concept and it would support them to succeed within the limited context of achieving this limited goal. If we use our common sense, we can easily work out that if one does something that harms others, it will eventually create a consequence that would bring harm to oneself. This is the principle of giving what one would like to receive. The fact is that we receive what we give, whether we like it or not. It goes both ways with no regard to whether the giving is best or not.

Now, to get back to the point of  ‘remaining positive’ in the context of decision making, it is easy to fall into the trap of trying to avoid the negative and within that altering one’s decisions and losing sight of one’s principle. Within this, the tendency is to make a decision that is not best and at some point manifesting a consequence that is ‘negative.’ Thus by trying to avoid the negative, we create it.  So the point is not to ‘remain positive’ or to ‘avoid the negative’ but rather to remain neutral and stable within one’s principle. It may be that one must walk through some rather uncomfortable or negative experiences because one has chosen to move according to principle rather than some limited goal like chasing money only for example. Not that there is anything wrong with money, per se, but when one disregard principle and only go after money then one’s decisions will bring harm to others and through the principle of give and receive, bring harm to oneself. For further perspective on this point, I suggest to read this blog post: The Natural Learning Ability of the Human.

Another point to consider here is that adhering to a principle also frees one to a certain degree because one is not constantly bending to circumstances. Obviously as a businessperson, one must respond to circumstance, however one should never allow circumstance to dictate one’s choice. Choice is either aligned with what is best for all or it is not. That doesn’t mean it will always be easy to recognize the right choice, because so much of our thought process and therefore decision making is a programmed from birth to always lead to the choice that harms and abuses. So obviously this is why this writing process is so important as well as having someone to cross-reference with and support one with making sure that one’s reasoning process is not flawed. In terms of judging whether it is flawed or not, we must simply sit and work out whether a choice or line of reasoning leads to the best possible result or whether there is some form of abuse or harm that could be avoided. This does require effort, but as an entrepreneur, we should become accustomed to effort as nothing moves without it. Effort should become our close companion. Our world is not currently designed in a way that is best, therefore if we are aligned with the principle of doing and creating what is best for all, then of course we will have to apply tremendous effort, because only that which is programmed and automatic will be easy. So we will have to apply effort in alignment with our principle until we alter reality enough that it becomes programmed in the way that is best. Business is currently THE TOOL to alter reality, along with its auxiliary components of government, education, media, etc, but the fact is that reality moves and molds according to the flow of money. Obviously if we can combine business with education and align it with what is best for all then we will be able to move reality in a way prepares future generations to take responsibility for their lives and to thus be able to not only walk through the consequences we have created but to also be able to live in a better world without screwing it up as we have done.

So to close the point, one must not allow oneself to fear facing the negative. If one react and try to avoid a negative outcome, it will only cause one to act within the polarity and then become subject to the up and down energy cycle discussed in Day 1: Structure vs Energy. What I have found is that when the reaction to a potentially negative situation comes up, to first breathe and allow the energy to dissipate. Then I take a step back within myself and allow myself to first see what are all the possible decisions I could make and then to play out the consequences of those decisions as best as I can. Within this, no scenario is ‘off limits.’ If there is a fear that I will lose a contract, for example, then I allow myself to play that out as if it were going to happen and to see who I would be within that decision. Only once I have looked at the best case scenario as well as the worst case scenario and all scenarios in between, and removed any emotional reaction from within, then I look at each point and see which is most in line with the principle of what is best for all. In other words, how does each decision potentially affect all involved. By sticking to this process I am able to make the best possible decisions within my business and therefore have the best possible effect in reality. By not shying away from examining the negative I allow myself the opportunity to find out what really is best, not just from a short term, personal context but from the widest possible context. Clearly this is a major problem with the way many publicly traded businesses are run where the most important factor in a decision is whether it will bring short term profit without considering the long term consequence for everyone else on the planet. For business to be used as a tool to bring about a better world, it must be aligned with the principle of always acting in a way that is best for all. It may be difficult for some to hear, because the attractiveness of living for money and comfort is so ingrained within us, but at the end of the day one must determine what one is willing to stand for. So the question is then: Who are you?

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”