Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Day 11: The Power of a System

Today we will introduce one of the secrets that we will use together as Entrepreneurs for Life to change the world. We will utilize the picture posted here to the left below as a symbolic representation. Once you realize the value of this symbol and how it actually runs the world (and is therefore one of the keys to changing both yourself inwardly and the world outwardly) then we will have made significant progress on this journey.

Let’s start with some context. The symbol, which is composed of an equilateral triangle, with horizontal line below the base, all enclosed by an oval, is a symbolic representation of our world system. It represents the system that runs our world on multiple levels. It is the system that is utilized by the elite of this world to maintain their positions of power and relative security. It is also the system that we will use to empower ourselves and each other, those walking within the principle of self-change as what is best for all, to break through the limitations that we have accepted both within ourselves and without in our world. How does this work? It works because only a system can manage the vast amount of resources, people, communications, information, actions, transactions, etc that make up our daily lives and affect every person, animal, and plant on this planet in every moment. Think about your breathing. If you had to think about it in order to live, how long would you live? Not very long, if you are honest. I mean, what happens when you try to go to sleep? Fortunately this process is automated through a system. So, on a larger scale, we as humanity, have created an automated system, over time, that runs this world. It runs the government, the money system, the education system, everything. And it is in fact each of us participating in this system that allows it to continue to function, and yet in this moment right now, it is running ‘on its own’ so to speak. Go out in the morning and observe all the people driving to work. Going somewhere they don’t want to be, to do something they don’t want to do, to make money to survive and to chase ‘happiness’ (whatever that is) when death and unhappiness is inevitable. Why do we do it? Who benefits? Ostensibly, those who own and manage the corporations we are all working for benefit, but they are just like us, just trying to make a buck. They believe ‘it’s just the way it is’ like everyone else. To understand this point in all its detail, I highly suggest you begin reading Creation’s Journey to Life to get some real perspective on your life and this world. But in the context of this blog it is sufficient to understand that this world runs on an automated system and derives its power from the physical labor of human beings. In order to stop this system or at the very least adjust it to one that is not ENSLAVING us to focus only on survival, we must realize that we cannot just END the system. That would be chaos. It would be madness and fighting. We need a system that supports the very best in everyone. Not the very worst. So to do that we must understand how the system works, at least at a basic level, and become very good at utilizing it to place ourselves in positions of power and responsibility to direct this world. They say that power corrupts. That is not true. Corruption corrupts power. We humans are corrupt and thus we must change. And as we change we must then change our relationship to power, and direct ourselves in a way in which we use power simply as the means to power a system that supports all Life equally. So let’s begin with the basics of the system so that we may place ourselves in a position of EMPOWERMENT for the betterment of all Life.

Let us now continue by breaking the symbol down into its component features and looking at their meaning and significance. We will give examples for each component of how they exist in the world and do our best to give the context necessary, but the examples are by no means exhaustive. Once you see the essence of each component and its function, you should begin to see more examples of how each component exists in our world.

First, the triangle. The triangle has 2 legs and a base. Each leg presents ‘Books’ and ‘Audios’ respectively. The base represents ‘Events’. In the elite circles, you have ‘secret societies’ in which certain knowledge and information is shared amongst the members. Information that allows them to adjust their attitude and mindset towards setting and achieving goals, which gives them a distinct advantage in this world, and is in fact one of the keys to their success in maintaining their positions. Books are where the information is codified and thus reading is an essential skill for any leader and especially a leader who has integrity. Books allow us to learn from the masters of the past. Books allow us to benefit from the experience and life lessons of our ancestors. But we must be careful of who we listen to. The elite listen to each other and those in their line of ancestry that have proven their effectiveness in the world. The books allow them to pass on their knowledge to each other. This is obviously why the average person cannot really read. This is deliberate. Because this leg of the triangle, ‘books,’ is also a leg of the triangle in the World System. See this symbol, the one pictured above, exists in multiple ways. There is the ‘Elite System’, which supports the elite in their inner circles to maintain their dominant position in terms of impulsing their members with the skills, mindset, and conditioning to perform at ‘higher levels’ than the average person. But then there is the ‘World System’ which is what impulses the average person (and even to some extent the elite themselves) to remain in a failure mindset, performing at a low level of creative potential and with a low self-esteem. There is a third system, which is the ‘GIN system’ which we will get to once you have the proper context, as it is the key to us, the Entrepreneurs for Life, empowering each other to perform at the elite levels while maintaining/developing our integrity as Life. In the World System, this leg of the triangle, which represents ‘books,’ is our education system as public schools, universities, magazines, book stores, etc where information is disseminated and programmed into us through ‘reading’, where obviously our reading levels as a society, if you look at the research, does not typically go beyond an 8th grade level (lower in most cases), without specific interventions with specific tools, which do exist, but as of yet are not ‘mainstream’ for obvious reasons. So, we have the elite with books passed down from generation to generation teaching their children the stories of success that really work and then we have the books in our world (which obviously is not just ‘books’ but our entire system of transferring lessons through ‘study’) which either only entertain us in fantasies to ignore the reality of our lives or distract us or deliberately program us with ‘lessons’ that disempower and create discord and division within ourselves and amongst each other.

So now we come to the other leg of the triangle, which is ‘audios’. The elite utilize both the spoken word as well as audio recordings as another form of educating each other, and here the advantage is engaging another sense, that of sound, and the principle of spaced repetition. Here we also have the concept of ‘vibration’ or ‘frequency’ which is greatly misunderstood or distorted in the Law of Attraction and Positive Thinking circles. Your mind operates at a frequency and just like a tuning fork struck and placed near another fork that begins to resonate, your mind can be entrained to operate at another frequency. Our backchat, as our habitual internal dialogue is an example of this where we repeat the same thought (a thought is a subtle form of energy and thus has a frequency) and eventually we begin to manifest the essence of that thought in our reality to some degree. So the elite understand this principle, which is why baroque classical music was invented, because obviously back then only the elite had access to these types of things. Now, look at the types of music that the average person listens to. Is it designed to support you to be your very best or rather to entrain you into just feeling better about where you are at and justifying your feelings and emotions? Go listen to Rihanna, or Nicki Minaj, or Lady Gaga. Listen to the Tell-a-vision PROGRAMS. They are training us to behave in specific patterns, which are ‘frequencies’ that will never challenge the elite. Consider what you listen to on the radio as you drive to work. It numbs you, just like the Soma in Brave New World, to accept the system as it is. Music is ‘catchy’ and without realizing it you are embedding self-limiting programs into your subconscious mind, that which has more influence on your behavior than your conscious thoughts do. So we see the role of ‘audios’ in both the Elite and World Systems. They are used to empower and disempower respectively.

The base of our triangle is ‘Events’. The elite, within their private clubs and societies, hold events where they network with each other, where they discuss their plans and goals, but even more importantly, where they let loose and have fun. This is where they release all the tension from working so hard throughout the past few months. They go crazy. They dance, they sing, they swim at the pool. They party. They give themselves a break from their absolute focus on creating the world THEY WANT. This is an essential part of the system and is what allows the elite to keep going day after day after day. The body will only work so hard without a reward. In the World System we have ‘events’ such as vacations, although most people don’t really get to enjoy themselves on vacation because they are more worried about not spending too much money (they probably spent most of their savings just to go on holiday), and what most people choose to do on vacation is generally something that they were sold on by TV or the magazines. They do not experience real letting go and letting loose. They have simply bought some kind of product such as a vacation package or an idea from the media about what it means to go on vacation. Consider how vacations are presented in the movies and TV. But events are even more specific than just vacationing in the World System. Events are football games, holidays, and anything that is participated within by large masses of people. 9/11 was an event. These events and how they are presented or participated within are used to generate emotions within large groups of people, usually to be directed into buying, which is why Thanksgiving and Christmas, being the most emotionally charged holidays, are also the times where we buy the most. Many businesses operate year round at a loss just to make massive profits during these two holidays. The elite use events to release. The masses are only USED by events so they will RELEASE funds from their bank accounts.

So, by now, you are starting to see how we have these two systems running concurrently, one used to empower the elite and one used to disempower everyone else. Let us continue with the remaining components.

Next, we have the horizontal line at the base of the triangle, which is ‘Recognition’. In the elite circles, this is where each one congratulates the other on their success. Where they express support for each other, where they give each other that which we all deep down want, which is recognition for our accomplishments. At events they applaud each other and hold up those who have had major successes in front of the group to be praised. This experience allows the elite to go back to their lives and focus with more determination, recharged so to speak. Obviously this desire for recognition stems from the fact that we do not recognize all Life equally and thus we receive the lack of recognition through the Law of Balance. And, if the elite are receiving recognition, then there must be a lack being experienced somewhere else. That brings us to the role of recognition in the World System. In the World System we give recognition, not to each other, no, because what have we done? No, we give it to the celebrities. We give recognition and praise to GOD. We give recognition to the athletes, the grown men paid millions of dollars to play with their balls in public. When was the last time you stood in front of a thousand people and had them applaud for you in genuine appreciation and support of your growth and accomplishment? So, instead we turn that frustration inward which then is expressed where we take it out on our spouse, our children, each other. This is why cars have horns. We are just honking and honking hoping someone will notice us. We buy clothing, iPhones, all kinds of products trying to stand out and be recognized but we just end up looking like everyone else. And the elite know that we are stupid because the other legs of the triangle have made sure of that, and that we will buy anything as long as it is presented in a way that makes us think it will give us recognition. And yet we never recognize that thousands of children die everyday due to our participation in this system, not to mention the countless billions of animals. Watch the documentary Earthlings to get a clue.

Lastly, we have the oval around the outside. This oval represents ‘Relationships’. The elite understand that your Network is your Net Worth. This is what politicians are very good at: networking. You go to Harvard, not for the education, per se, although it certainly does raise your self-esteem being in that environment, but because your roommate is Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg. Look at your friends. Are any of them going to be president or start billion dollar companies? What is the company you keep? You go to church or sporting events and chant like an idiot not realizing you are just channeling any potential for creative output that would make the world better into the pockets of those who do not care about you or your children. Not that you care either. Or do you? I didn’t care for a long time. I really only cared about myself and my own happiness. It wasn’t until I discovered through Desteni that the reason I am not happy is because no one is happy. And the solution to my happiness, if you want to call it that, is to stop creating unhappiness and suffering for everyone. We are all doing it to each other. Our relationship to ourselves is one of mistrust, fear, and denial. Our relationships with each other are no different. The system functions as a whole to reinforce things as they are.

Now that we have covered the components and function of the system we come to the real point of this post. If you have principle and you want to change yourself and the world, you require a system. You require a system that can provide you with the tools, the relationships and the recognition to move in the system with success. You have a responsibility to become the elite. Not to simply change the authority with a new one, but to end ELITISM once and for all. We can have a world where everyone has an amazing, wonderful life. It does not need to be reserved for the few. That kind of thinking is actually just fear. And you may feel like you don’t have what it takes, but you do! You have your Principle and now you understand that value of having a SYSTEM. This system is not actually hidden. Many companies use this system, all do it in fact, but it’s just not always obvious unless you really study it and know what to look for. Amway (amongst many other companies) has built a multi-billion dollar global empire using this system. Many companies use this system to sell a product - businesses are designed to make money - but GIN, the Global Information Network, is the only company where the SYSTEM is the PRODUCT itself, designed to empower you to achieve your goals. And just to assuage your fears, it is not an MLM or network marketing company. The Global Information Network is a private club, like the private clubs of the elite, but one that is open to everyone. It condenses all the books and audios that actually work and throws out the ones that don’t. What take 30 years to figure out on you own, you can learn within years potentially, if you apply yourself. And if you represent a product of integrity, then you need GIN as the system that will support you in this world to Stand Up and Stand Out. You will read many things online about GIN, both positive and negative, but you will investigate all things and keep what is best and not allow yourself to be influenced by fear. Or will you? I have planted many seeds within this post, and for those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear and the resolve to Stand Up and Stand Out, it is time NOW for action. Join GIN as a free associate here: JOIN GIN. Learn more about it. Talk to the members. Discover the secrets to self-empowerment. GIN is not the end, it is only one of the means. The end is always the starting point, which is Life as what is Best for All. Today you have been exposed to the secret to FINANCIAL PERFECTION which will catapult you forward in your journey. Stick to your Principle. Use discernment. Do not be deceived by appearances. As the CEO of GIN, Troy McClain says, “Look beyond the obvious.”

Join me as an Entrepreneur for Life. The Journey has only just begun.

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

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