Sunday, November 8, 2015

Day 15: Fear and Responsibility

In success and motivation circles, you will hear the redefinition of the word fear as an acronym, variously as False Evidence Appearing Real, or one that offers you the choice between Forget Everything and Run vs Face Everything and Rise, as some examples.

In this it is cool to look at the role of fear in our lives.  It is easy, through laziness or apathy, to paint pretty pictures in our minds as what we would like reality to be, but not be honest with what is actually going on in our current Reality. This is a trap that many, including myself, fall or have fallen into when going into the Positive Thinking realm. Positive thinking is often touted as the way to get rich by doing nothing. Of course this is enticing to those with either low self-confidence or who are not in a position of wealth or power, and ultimately who are afraid of hard work. Growing up, I had a relatively privileged life, at least in my late adolescence onward, and one of the things I had the greatest resistance to was physical labor. I hated working in the yard, doing the mowing, raking leaves, etc and I resented my father for even asking me to do these things. Growing older that morphed into a real distaste for and fear of hard work. Now, having walked as an entrepreneur for over 10 years now, I see that the fear of hard work has been a point that held me back many times. Now, before you misunderstand me, I am not saying that the key to building wealth is just ‘working hard’ because there is a difference between activity and accomplishment. Hard work is not just physical labor. Hard work is when one applied themselves in self-honesty and looks at the reality of what they want and what stands in their way. So within that one has the choice to Forget Everything and React or to Forgive Everything and Respond.

Now, do you think that, as an entrepreneur, that you are going to face some challenges? Don’t you think that as an Entrepreneur for Life, where your purpose is to not only become wealthy in the system, but to challenge the system as it is, to bring forth real change, that you are going to face some REAL FUCKING DIFFICULT CHALLENGES? Watch the Matrix - when Neo woke up, his work had only just begun. He was immediately faced with his beliefs about what is possible and he was immediately attacked by the Agents of the System, who played by the REAL RULES, not the fantasy rules that the masses believe in. So, if you are going to stand up in this system and Respond, not React, then you are going to have to face your fears. I have to face my fears on a DAILY basis. Sometimes it is extremely challenging to the point of wanting to give it up. But I remind myself, that the alternative to moving forward to my goal is to accept the system as is, to accept my limitations, to accept myself as less than what I know I am capable of.

Let’s look at Responding vs Reacting.

The word respond comes from the Latin re + spondere - which means to pledge again. Pledge in the medieval Latin means a solemn promise or undertaking. Solemn means dignified. So to respond means to pledge oneself again to carry out a dignified promise or undertaking. Seeing as we have pledged ourselves to become the best version of ourselves and to constantly challenge our limitations and acceptances and allowances that hold us in behavior patterns that are not best, then it is our duty to respond to our environment and to our situation, instead of reacting. To react comes from the Latin re + agere meaning to ‘act again’. To act is generally defined as behaving in a specified way or within pretense. Pretense is to try to make something appear true that is not, or a false claim. So within this, when we react, we behave in a way that is not true, which is to say that we do not behave in a way that is aligned with who we really are and what we have committed ourselves to. So in any moment we have either to react or to respond. Imagine walking down a road and your goal is to get to the end. You can either in a moment continue down the road or veer off course. Responding is to move down the road and reacting is to veer off. Reacting is Fear. Fear is defined in the dictionary as an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. We are all reacting to this world that we have been thrust into as children. We are reacting to our environment, we are acting in a way that is not true to our true potential to be the best, even in less than ideal circumstances. We are trying to avoid pain and discomfort but not acting in a way that would actually end unnecessary pain and discomfort, which we could do if we were to work together as equals. Fear, defined as False Evidence Appearing Real, is thus a choice that we make to participate in and the moment we do so, we place ourselves in reaction, because in fact we are all creating this world together, and thus there is nothing to Fear, because by sticking to our path, our principle, doing what is best (not just thinking it, but actually doing it) we are able to change the environment, our world, to reflect what we would like to have, and deep down we would all like a world that is best. But if we are re-acting, then we are allowing ourselves to be caught up in the play, the drama, the false evidence, that says “Life cannot be good, it must be misery and suffering, after all that is what my environment is showing me!” But, what if, instead of reacting, instead of acting as if the evidence, the fear is real, we acted in a way that demonstrated that we WILL arrive at the destination we want. What if we EXPECTED ourselves to arrive there! Now, you may think, ok then all I have to do is just sit and imagine that everything will be ok and it will all work out. No! That is a reaction. You cannot get to the end of the road unless you move your feet. You cannot respond to your environment by THINKING your way out of it, where your THINKING does not allow you to RESPOND. When you THINKING causes you to act in a way that does not physically change the environment in any measureable, where there is a hope on your part that something will change, then your THINKING is pointless.

We must be able to look at our actions and work it out, using common sense, that the actions will in fact produce a world that is better. It is so easy to sit and think beautiful things and imagine wonderful things and they seem great and we go and try to convince others to see the same picture that we see, but then no physical action is taken to make that picture a reality. Now, that doesn’t mean to not consider the world you want to live in, or to consider your goal. You must always keep that in mind, what you are walking towards, otherwise how will you know if you are on track? But, you must also look at the results you are producing in your environment. How is your behavior changing? How are you affecting others? What is the measurable impact?

Now within this, we are going to make mistakes. We are going to veer off onto other roads. But the cool thing is that other roads, though they may not lead where we want, will still offer information to us, experience, that we can use to walk the road to our desired destination. I mean a road is a road, so even if you get off track, see what you have learned that will support you. Don’t throw out everything just because you made a mistake. Learn your lesson. There are so many tools now available, technologies, methods, others to learn from, that we don’t have to crawl down the road, we can RUN! We can in fact walk with others. We can see others ahead of us who leave breadcrumbs and notes for us to learn from and accelerate our journey. But we will still have to work through our own personal doubts, fears, beliefs, etc.

Understand: our environment has programmed each of us. We have been programmed with beliefs and fears that are irrational and that are designed to keep us on a certain track that leads to only suffering and death. The tendency, when the pressure and fear comes, is for us to revert back to our pre-programming. I have done this many, many times myself. This is why we have to refocus ourselves on what it is that we really want. We have to always keep that in view. And we must simultaneously look down and see that our feet are moving forward.

So do not become disheartened if you have gone off track. We must support each other. We all have the same goal, really, deep down. We all want a better world. We don’t have to fight, and yet sometimes our brothers and sisters will try and fight us. And sometimes we will try to fight them. We will forget at times that we are all in this together. So when the fight comes, we must not Forget Everything and React. We must Forgive Everything and Respond.

What I have found on my journey is that when we apply self-forgiveness in writing and aloud, that in a way it removes the sweat and tears and dirt that is blinding us from being able to see the road ahead clearly. Self-forgiveness does not mean we just forgive everything and accept the world as it is. It allows us to see ourselves and our world clearly. Self-honesty is important here, so that we do not delude ourselves.

The tools are here. They will not do the work for us. We will learn self-discipline through effort and dedication. Investigate the Desteni I Process to discover the keys to accelerating your process to becoming a person of integrity so that we may unite together and create a better world. Master Yoda said that in order to banish fear, we must first name it. The Desteni I Process will support you name the fears, walk through them, and banish them forever. That is how we will respond to the violence and atrocities of this world. Not reacting and just recreating the same. We will respond, change, and in that create a new world.

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Leave us a comment. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

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