Monday, November 9, 2015

Day 16: Using the Law of Attraction to Do What is Best

Love and Light to you! Peace and Blessings! May the Force be with you! (and also with you…). Welcome to McDonald's! Would you like fries with that?


I'm just kidding. "Lighten" up, will you?

It's fascinating, because we get emails and messages from people reading this blog and we speak to people in our networks and a question that has been coming up lately is whether it's possible to use the Law of Attraction to do what is Best for All, some reacting quite heavily saying that the LOA and Positive Thinking are BS and wrong and all kinds of things, so today we will provide some context and perhaps 'enlighten' those who are stumbling around in the dark, so to speak.

Typically, when we are introduced to Positive Thinking and the Law of Attraction, the focus is on more money, better health, better relationships, etc which are, in a way, self-interested goals. Now, let's not misunderstand the word 'self-interest'. When we say that, we mean, interest in one's self. Now, how you define 'self' is kind of up to you. And this is why some, who may want to have a bigger impact on the world, other than just 'themselves' will potentially react to the Law of Attraction or Positive Thinking, etc, because it seems to be only about Self-Interest. So firstly, let's look at redefining Self so that it is the BEST definition. We aren't going to give the answer, we'll make some 'suggestions'. 

Who are you?

That is a rather personal question, and yet it is the MOST IMPORTANT question that each of us face. We would be so bold to say that it is actually the reason that you and I are here on Earth. To answer this question. Because who we believe ourselves to be is, if we are self-honest, mostly just a conglomerate of all the information we have been exposed to from birth. Our personalities were shaped by our reactions to our environment. We have already written at length about the FACT that our world system is a Survival System, and so logically it makes sense that we have become Survival Systems ourselves. Some call this the Ego. The Ego is our individual survival system that we have co-created with our environment, which is our automated thought, feeling, and behavior patterns that direct us in our lives. If you stop and watch your thoughts, you will see that they are, like, coming from somewhere. They just come in out of 'nowhere' and then you hear them. As human beings we really have no clue what is really going on inside of us and so we just kind of float along through life, but of course pretending that we are in control, lol.

So, who are you?

Do we get to choose?

Perhaps we chose the options that were presented to us at birth without realizing the consequences. Perhaps we needed to face the consequences of our choices so that we could see, in our face, the manifestation of that which we absolutely would never want for ourselves. If you read "Ask and It is Given" by Abraham Hicks it discusses this point of contrast and how our experience gives us contrast to refine our preferences. The problem is that most of us define 'our' preferences according to the definition of Self as Ego, so it becomes just like do I like coke or pepsi, totally bullshit and irrelevant. And the corporations that direct this world in terms of having the biggest direct influence in the environment know how to manipulate the preferences of the Ego and thus are able to direct our thoughts and behaviors. This is all mapped out and explained in Creation's Journey to Life. Read that blog. Don't make any excuse. That is a very important blog to read.

So, going back to the Law of Attraction, we can put it another way. What you GIVE is what you GET. This is what Jesus told us, isn't it? So, if we are going to use the Law of Attraction in a way that is Best for All, then what must we consider?

We must firstly and primarily consider WHO WE ARE within using the Law of Attraction. Because if the WHO WE ARE is not defined in a way that is BEST then it will create a consequence that is not best, because according to WHO WE ARE we will receive because we will only attract that which we truly are. So if we deep down are afraid of not having money, what will we attract? (It is not actually 'attraction', by the way, but that is another story. Join the Global Information Network and you will learn how the LOA really works. It's not what you're reading in the books or seen on TV, you are not going to get the truth in public. You must be a member of a private society, because only in the private circles does one have the freedom to tell it how it really is. That's why this blog is written under a pen name. I know that those who are still substantially brainwashed will try and use bits and pieces out of context and twist our words to attack out of jealousy or envy or spitefulness. So we have to take precautions, unfortunately.) 

So if you have accepted doubts, fears, disbelief, feelings of lack, etc, you will never have success in life. Only through processing those points and coming to a point of total clarity that WHO YOU ARE is LIFE ITSELF- not just as knowledge and information - but actually in your practical daily living (a process I myself am still engaged in. I am not 'there' yet, so please read with discernment, because YOU and ONLY YOU are responsible for what you accept and allow), can we create a world that is actually supportive of LIFE. What is Life? Simply put, it is that principle which express what is Best in every moment. It is the essence of Best. Life = Best. So, the goal, the definite purpose as Napoleon Hill would have put it, is to remove the Ego points and realign oneself with Life, because that is who you really are. It's not something that is going to happen automatically. There is no HOPE possible. Because you AS LIFE have forgotten who you are. You made a MISTAKE. Perhaps we didn't know any better. We are still LEARNING. But, now you know. And we are Here to support each other to be the VERY BEST we can. Perhaps we were never perfect. Perhaps we are good enough, but that we can always be better. There are very few networks which one can plug into and receive genuine support that will support you to reconnect with Life and with the tools to succeed IN the system without being OF the system. The Global Information Network is one such network. Desteni is another such network. 


If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Leave us a comment. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”


  1. Bravo- awesome blog!

  2. This blog , after reading it , started movement inside myself,
    but somehow , slowing down in peace , starting to sense the tip of the mountain that I started to climb , high above , far away............not allowing the thought "but how are you going to get down?"
