Thursday, November 5, 2015

Day 13: Generating Leads through Mathematics

If you are looking to become an Entrepreneur for Life then you must understand the simplicity of business. Repetition is the mother of success and therefore you must find a repeatable formula that you apply consistently to attain any level of success. The most simple form of repetition, mathematically, is to take 1 and add it to itself. With this simple procedure you can generate ANY number given consistency and time. In any business, one must generate leads, present the product, close the sale, and then followup and follow through. Rinse and repeat. So what is the winning formula when it comes to Direct Sales, which we have established as the Best approach for the average person looking to create real wealth? It is using the mathematical formula, the most basic formula, that even a child can understand, which is 1+1=2. Too simple, you say? Remember it is often the most simple things that have the most profound effects. Look up fractals and you'll see what I mean. Let's see how this simplicity can be used within your business.

Now, you are ONE and another person is ONE. Thus if you put 1 and 1 together you get 2. And in the Bible, in Matthew, it says “For where two or three gather in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” This is ostensibly God talking, but we know, as people of self-honesty and common sense, that the only God that exists in this world is MONEY, which is the word MoneY or mONEy or MY ONE - get it?). So if you get 1 + 1 = 2 then 'there I am with them' which is GOD = MONEY saying "I will be there." So this is the key with which you will access wealth and add value to the world. And making money is just the beginning. As we walk this journey we will explore various ways in which we can apply this money we are accumulating to ACTUALLY change the world. Yes, it has been worked out, mathematically. We are only just now showing others what we (and when I say WE, I mean many others, not just myself) have worked out as the WAY in which we will change this world forever to be a Heaven on Earth where men and women of integrity walk as equals, as custodians of the Earth, and in complete joy and bliss, as that is our birthright as LIFE, if we choose it.

So what is this 1 + 1 jazz all about? It is simply this. You find one person to talk to. One person to whom you can add value to their life. One person to whom you can take the time to sit, build a relationship, share your story, hear their story, explain what you have to offer, address their fears, listen to their concerns, show them the common sense, paint the clear picture of the world that you see is possible, at the level that you can assess they will be able to hear and respond to. You then direct that person as yourself into an action that is best for them. One that you can work out and therefore show to the other person is ACTUALLY best, not just based on your desire for money, but on the result that they will have in their life as a result of you being in their life. Find a product or service of integrity and just find one person. This is why the points discussed in the last post are important. You must be able to take the time necessary. This is not a get rich quick thing. It takes time. It takes real-time practice and feedback. It requires support (of which there is now plenty that has shown to stand the test of time).

Most people start a business trying to figure out how to get 1000 customers. Just start with ONE. Go out into your world. Look at all the people around you. Identity the ONE that you will impact today. Say this will be MY ONE person whom I benefit today. Thus in this process you will become known as a person who helps people, and you will therefore create quite a reputation for yourself where people will eventually flock to you, based on the referral of their friends and family. Referrals are the best form of advertising, because the results speak for themselves. Look back at the previous day's post. Understand that the reason companies advertise (in other words "market") is because their results DO NOT speak for themselves.

Your success will not happen overnight. The Beatles, contrary to popular belief, were not an overnight sensation. They played in shitty little pubs night after night for years with no recognition. When you plant bamboo, you have to water it for 7 years before it even sprouts. And if you fail to water it even one day it will never sprout. But when it does it shoots up 90 feet in 7 days. Did it grow 90 feet in 7 days or in 7 years? 7 years may sound like a long time, but here is the question: if you don't start now, how much more money will you have in 7 years? How much impact will you have had 7 years from now? Why not begin now.

It starts with 1 + 1 and then eventually through the Power of 10, which we will address in the next post, what started as a simple addition, mutates into an exponential growth cycle. And here is where you begin to access real wealth and power. This is how the banks make their money, through compounding, exponential interest. We will show you how to do that in the time to come. Oh yes, get excited. The journey has only just begun…

See you next time.

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