Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Day 17: Expectation vs Commitment

A point that I have faced with building my businesses is that of participating in a fear of loss through creating expectations. In the success literature, we are told that we should create an expectation of the things that we want and that when we truly expect them, then they will begin to manifest in our reality. Now, I am not completely disagreeing with that approach, but the problem that I ran into and that I have seen other run into as well, is that of creating a false expectation. See, our conscious minds are really only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, in terms of what directs our behavior.

As a side note, for those who might argue that it is not our behavior, but rather our ‘vibration’ that creates our reality, I will say that they are actually one and the same. When you speak you are vibrating the air molecules. When you move your arm, you are vibrating the matter around you, sending out ripples through all of reality, just like when you drop a pebble into a pond. So vibration is not only about your thoughts and feelings, though it does encompass those as well.

Now, back to the conscious thought point. We can consciously think or say to ourselves, that I expect to make a million dollars this year, and we can even convince ourselves, through practice, to give ourselves the right feeling as feedback that we are thoroughly convinced that we expect that which we desire, but the problem is that we do not know, deep down, whether there is in fact anything within our vibration that is out of sync with our desire. There are multitudes of hidden programs that run under the surface of our conscious awareness that direct and influence our behavior in subtle ways to prevent us from reaching our goals. This is why we suggest to participate in the Desteni I Process, because this revolutionary course shows you the real mechanics of how thoughts, feelings, and emotions actually function in your body and how they create your vibration without any conscious input on your part. Our conscious minds are very limited in that they can really only focus on what is in our immediate environment as pictures and sounds. It cannot see the ‘hidden reality’. So you require a tool to bring that hidden reality to your conscious awareness so that you can process it, remove the limitations, and reprogram yourself for success.

In terms of what I personally faced with regards to expectation is that I found that when I created expectations in my mind, because I was not totally clear within myself at all levels of my being regarding the expectation, that there would always be some residual doubt, and I would usually not be aware of it until after that which I wanted failed to come about. Here we are talking about specific goals that have timeframes associated with them, like “I want to make this sale today” for example. How I have supported myself to realign myself with my purpose and to not allow myself to be swayed by the experience, which is energy based, and therefore subject to positive and negative, is to rather look at not what I ‘expect’ to happen, but rather what I can ‘commit’ myself to. The word expect, comes from the Latin ‘to see’ or ‘to look out for’. And the problem is that we cannot see that which is not already within us. And because we have not been programmed for success, then we will more likely fail in most cases, which is not a bad thing, it just means that if we focus on ‘expectation’ it is more likely that we will begin to get discouraged because we think that by expecting, the thing will happen, but we are not actually able to ‘expect’ fully or to ‘see’ the thing we want fully, because again, we have all these negative programs running that we have not addressed. Now, alternatively, the word ‘commit’ means to pledge, and comes from the latin word meaning ‘to send’. The word ‘send’ means to cause o go or to be taken to a particular destination. So we cannot see something that is not already a part of us, but we can use feedback to move towards a destination, and as they say in our GIN training, go as far as you CAN see, and when you get there, you’ll see FURTHER. So by aligning ourselves with commitment to in each moment do the very best that we can, not expecting something that we cannot self-honestly say we KNOW will happen, we can then prevent disappointment, which would place us at the mercy of the up and down of energy, and instead commit ourselves to moving towards our destination, using the feedback of failure and success, allowing ourselves to learn from what we did right and from what we did wrong. For example, you go into a sales appointment, not with the expectation of making a sale, but with the commitment to do your best and be open to feedback from your experience. Let’s say you don’t make the sale, but instead of second guessing yourself (which you would have done if you created an expectation), you instead simply look at the feedback of your experience and see where you can improve. In this you will also be more open to seeing new things about your presentation or interaction with your customer that you would have tuned out otherwise. If we expect to succeed in all cases, then why would we ever need to improve? See the problem?

So, let’s look at our commitment to ourselves to become the best we possible can and move from fear to responsibility. I know you can do it, now it’s time for you to walk the point.

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