Saturday, November 7, 2015

Day 14: The Power of 10

Let's change our system from a pyramid to a pillar of Life that
gives to all the very best. Notice the pyramid stops at a point,
but the pillar can keep growing and growing.We must first pass
through the eye of the needle. Which means we have to change
ourselves to become people of integrity and principle. We have
the tools to do so. Are up to the task?
Make sure that you have read "Selling vs Marketing" and "Generating Leads through Mathematics" before this post so that you have the proper context and foundation.

Following on the previous day’s post where we looked at the simplicity of 1+1 in ‘lead generation’, we will today look at the Power of 10 approach which will, as previously mentioned, be the key to taking the 1+1 and creating an exponential growth within your business, and ultimately in changing the world.  Again, we are assuming that you are representing a product of integrity, designed to support another person to bring out their very best.

So, for this post we will have an interactive exercise that will help illustrate the point. So for this you will need a blank piece of paper and a pen. At the bottom of the paper you will write the number 1. Then above the number 1, you will write the number 10, then above that you will write the number 100, and each line above will be the number below multiplied by 10. So at each level, starting from the bottom we have increasing Powers of 10 (i.e. 10^0, 10^1, 10^2, etc) and you will do this until you reach 10,000,000. Not including the first level, which is 1, we will have an additional 7 levels.

So, now, going back to the previous day’s post, YOU are ONE, and using 1+1, you will find 10 people whom you will impact directly. You can do this over the next month or year, that will depend on you. But if you find 10 people and you impact their lives in a positive way and then you have them repeat the pattern, then you will have 100 people. Now in the context of your business, this could mean getting 10 other people involved in your business, or it could mean finding 10 customers, depending on the nature of your business model and product. But, let’s take 10 customers for example. If you dedicate yourself to really impacting those 10, once they see the results for themselves, they will of course want to refer you to others and for each customer, even if they only refer 10 people to you, that is now 100 new potential customers. So even if you spent a YEAR impacting 10 effectively, then the next year you would have 100 new people to work with potentially. Following this pattern you would then have 1000 the next year and so on. Now, how long would it take to reach 10,000,000 people? Honestly I don’t know how you are going to work with so many people practically, but the math speaks for itself. At a certain point you will be at full capacity so to speak, but then you may find other products or tools to support more people with along your journey. And even if you only reach 10% of these numbers you can work out for your product, what that would mean in terms of income for yourself, and what that would mean in terms of impact in the world. Now imagine that there are 100 or even 1000 or 10,000 other people applying this same approach. United with a product that supports people to become their very best, you can see that in only a matter of years, there would be a massive effect on this planet that would create measurable, undeniable change.

You can also see here why businesses like MLM’s or Network Marketing are such a threat to the system. Obviously at a certain point, not everyone can benefit from the business, which is why we would recommend a Direct Sales business that is based on selling a product of integrity and not based only on trying to sell people on making money, that way what you present benefits you and the other person no matter what. If you can find a business that limits the number of people who can participate in the business itself, then that is even better, because it will support you to not chase the money only, but really focus on the value of your product. Of course at a certain point, no matter what business model you have, there is a limit to the number of people on the planet, so the usual arguments against MLM’s actually apply to any business. Of course, if we understand the 80/20 principle we know that 20% of people in any business or market will generate 80% of the business. This is a product of our environment which is a competitive system that does not support all equally. At the moment, there is not much we can do about that, except to point those who are in a position to do so, to take responsibility for their lives, become people of integrity and walk in the system of business to change the world for the better, not motivated by profit only.

So what we have covered in this post is that through simply applying the approach of 1+1 within the context of the Power of 10 principle, you can, over time, grow any business or movement for that matter to eventually impact substantial numbers of people. In the next post we will look at how you can practically map out a plan of action for yourself that will support you to implement the 1+1 in a measurable way that will allow you to continue with whatever it is you are doing for money at the moment, to consistently build your ‘side business’ to eventually replace your current employment. Remember, this is not a get rich quick approach, it takes time and consistency and support. We have already mentioned some support tools such as the Global Information Network, and the Desteni I Process, and there will be others we suggest along on this journey as well, but our primary point at the moment is to lay out the foundation for our understanding of business and practical action required. We understand that our mind’s tendency when learning something new is to ask HOW HOW HOW? But we also know that the HOW is the same as the WHO and that unless the WHO (that’s YOU) knows WHY you are doing something and that what you are doing will lead you to the end result you are looking for then you will not find the HOW. The HOW is in the DOING, but don’t worry about that for now. For now, take a moment to remind yourself WHY you are doing this and what it is YOU WANT to accomplish.

See you next time.

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