Saturday, November 14, 2015

Day 18: Time compression and Accelerated Learning

One of the mistakes I made in the beginning of my journey as an Entrepreneur was thinking that I had to figure everything out for myself. The fact is that we live in an age of information. According to Google CEO Eric Schmidt, we create, in 2 days, as much information as we created from the dawn of civilization up to the year 2003! That is an incredible amount of information. But we also create new technologies that speed up our ability to access data in real time. What that means, in effect, is that TIME is SPEEDING UP. Think about it. How do we measure time? Sure, we measure it by the tick of a clock, but what does time really mean to you in a personal sense? Isn’t it based on what you can get done? If you can do in 1 day what it took someone 10 years ago to do in a year’s time, then you have effectively COMPRESSED TIME. It sounds a little bit ‘out there’ but it’s actually a pretty mundane fact, and yet if we really grasp this point, it can have profound effects in our lives and on the world as a whole.

So how does this help us as Entrepreneurs for Life? Primarily it means that what may have took Donald Trump 20-30 years to learn, we could potentially learn in only a few. I read a book on poker a few years back, and it made this point about when the author was learning poker back in the 60’s and 70’s he would have to travel around the country looking for poker games to play against really good players so that he could practice and learn in order to improve. Nowadays you can go to YouTube and watch the masters play game after game after game and essentially observe and learn what would have taken years to be exposed to back in the day before the information explosion.

Now, within this, we have to be careful to exercise discernment. They say “Practice makes Perfect” but that is not true. As it says in our GIN training, “PERFECT practice makes perfect.” If you learn from someone who does not really teach the real secrets then you could ultimately just be wasting your time.

So the point is that you have before you a HUGE opportunity to become very effective in the system in a short period of time by listening to the right people and taking advantage of the tools and information that is available. Now, before you jump on to YouTube, understand that the stuff that really works is not public. I mean, you might be able to piece it together, but you would have to test each thing and that will take you a lot of time and probably frustration and money, etc. This is why we suggest for you to consider joining the Global Information Network, because it, amongst other things, has condensed all the training, audios, books, etc that REALLY WORKS into a format that ACCELERATES your learning process so that you can get to a level of mastery very quickly. This is a responsibility in fact because, as recent events have shown, the world is running out of time. Because of the time compression, not only is there an opportunity to learn at an accelerated rate, but there is also a problem. Information is moving so quickly, which means that the religious elite, the corporations, etc have a much more direct effect on mass consciousness in real time. Just look at how quickly news and information spreads and how, if you look at your Facebook feed, a silly thing like what color Starbucks makes their cups, can become a huge thing that captures everyone's attention. I mean, it was probably a very clever marketing campaign, if you ask me. But the point, is that this is what we are up against. For instance, I was working with a new client, a young student, and he was telling me about some of the things he enjoys watching on YouTube and he was telling me all about the Illuminati, and I was like blown away, because I mean, I’m not saying anything about whether the Illuminati is real or not, but just that at 12 years old he was exposed to that type of information. And he is in a very normal family. I mean it really hit me how much information has changed our world, but most importantly, how much it influences the minds of the young. Unless we step in with a very specific intervention to support children (and adults who have not already given up on Life) to develop some real critical thinking and sound reasoning skills, then we are all FUCKED. So, again, this is a responsibility. It’s time to learn how things really work, and you are not going to figure it out on your own. A mentor once told me that if I was going to do it, I would have done it already, lol. So we require Mentors. You require a supportive environment. It’s like if you have a cup of hot tea and you put it in the freezer. By the Laws of Thermodynamics, no matter how much the tea ‘wants’ to remain hot, it is going to cool down. So you need an environment that is designed to keep you HOT, so to speak. You require an environment that will support you to learn what you need and to practice it to get the feedback required to grow and expand and step into your FULL POTENTIAL. That is the only reason we suggest anything that we do. So that YOU can reach your FULL POTENTIAL. Success is not what you do compared do others. It's what you do compared to what you could have done. We are each, individually, capable of so much more, and yet without the support of a group, none of us will make it.

Time is speeding up. Are you?

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