Saturday, November 14, 2015

Day 18: Time compression and Accelerated Learning

One of the mistakes I made in the beginning of my journey as an Entrepreneur was thinking that I had to figure everything out for myself. The fact is that we live in an age of information. According to Google CEO Eric Schmidt, we create, in 2 days, as much information as we created from the dawn of civilization up to the year 2003! That is an incredible amount of information. But we also create new technologies that speed up our ability to access data in real time. What that means, in effect, is that TIME is SPEEDING UP. Think about it. How do we measure time? Sure, we measure it by the tick of a clock, but what does time really mean to you in a personal sense? Isn’t it based on what you can get done? If you can do in 1 day what it took someone 10 years ago to do in a year’s time, then you have effectively COMPRESSED TIME. It sounds a little bit ‘out there’ but it’s actually a pretty mundane fact, and yet if we really grasp this point, it can have profound effects in our lives and on the world as a whole.

So how does this help us as Entrepreneurs for Life? Primarily it means that what may have took Donald Trump 20-30 years to learn, we could potentially learn in only a few. I read a book on poker a few years back, and it made this point about when the author was learning poker back in the 60’s and 70’s he would have to travel around the country looking for poker games to play against really good players so that he could practice and learn in order to improve. Nowadays you can go to YouTube and watch the masters play game after game after game and essentially observe and learn what would have taken years to be exposed to back in the day before the information explosion.

Now, within this, we have to be careful to exercise discernment. They say “Practice makes Perfect” but that is not true. As it says in our GIN training, “PERFECT practice makes perfect.” If you learn from someone who does not really teach the real secrets then you could ultimately just be wasting your time.

So the point is that you have before you a HUGE opportunity to become very effective in the system in a short period of time by listening to the right people and taking advantage of the tools and information that is available. Now, before you jump on to YouTube, understand that the stuff that really works is not public. I mean, you might be able to piece it together, but you would have to test each thing and that will take you a lot of time and probably frustration and money, etc. This is why we suggest for you to consider joining the Global Information Network, because it, amongst other things, has condensed all the training, audios, books, etc that REALLY WORKS into a format that ACCELERATES your learning process so that you can get to a level of mastery very quickly. This is a responsibility in fact because, as recent events have shown, the world is running out of time. Because of the time compression, not only is there an opportunity to learn at an accelerated rate, but there is also a problem. Information is moving so quickly, which means that the religious elite, the corporations, etc have a much more direct effect on mass consciousness in real time. Just look at how quickly news and information spreads and how, if you look at your Facebook feed, a silly thing like what color Starbucks makes their cups, can become a huge thing that captures everyone's attention. I mean, it was probably a very clever marketing campaign, if you ask me. But the point, is that this is what we are up against. For instance, I was working with a new client, a young student, and he was telling me about some of the things he enjoys watching on YouTube and he was telling me all about the Illuminati, and I was like blown away, because I mean, I’m not saying anything about whether the Illuminati is real or not, but just that at 12 years old he was exposed to that type of information. And he is in a very normal family. I mean it really hit me how much information has changed our world, but most importantly, how much it influences the minds of the young. Unless we step in with a very specific intervention to support children (and adults who have not already given up on Life) to develop some real critical thinking and sound reasoning skills, then we are all FUCKED. So, again, this is a responsibility. It’s time to learn how things really work, and you are not going to figure it out on your own. A mentor once told me that if I was going to do it, I would have done it already, lol. So we require Mentors. You require a supportive environment. It’s like if you have a cup of hot tea and you put it in the freezer. By the Laws of Thermodynamics, no matter how much the tea ‘wants’ to remain hot, it is going to cool down. So you need an environment that is designed to keep you HOT, so to speak. You require an environment that will support you to learn what you need and to practice it to get the feedback required to grow and expand and step into your FULL POTENTIAL. That is the only reason we suggest anything that we do. So that YOU can reach your FULL POTENTIAL. Success is not what you do compared do others. It's what you do compared to what you could have done. We are each, individually, capable of so much more, and yet without the support of a group, none of us will make it.

Time is speeding up. Are you?

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Leave us a comment. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Day 17: Expectation vs Commitment

A point that I have faced with building my businesses is that of participating in a fear of loss through creating expectations. In the success literature, we are told that we should create an expectation of the things that we want and that when we truly expect them, then they will begin to manifest in our reality. Now, I am not completely disagreeing with that approach, but the problem that I ran into and that I have seen other run into as well, is that of creating a false expectation. See, our conscious minds are really only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, in terms of what directs our behavior.

As a side note, for those who might argue that it is not our behavior, but rather our ‘vibration’ that creates our reality, I will say that they are actually one and the same. When you speak you are vibrating the air molecules. When you move your arm, you are vibrating the matter around you, sending out ripples through all of reality, just like when you drop a pebble into a pond. So vibration is not only about your thoughts and feelings, though it does encompass those as well.

Now, back to the conscious thought point. We can consciously think or say to ourselves, that I expect to make a million dollars this year, and we can even convince ourselves, through practice, to give ourselves the right feeling as feedback that we are thoroughly convinced that we expect that which we desire, but the problem is that we do not know, deep down, whether there is in fact anything within our vibration that is out of sync with our desire. There are multitudes of hidden programs that run under the surface of our conscious awareness that direct and influence our behavior in subtle ways to prevent us from reaching our goals. This is why we suggest to participate in the Desteni I Process, because this revolutionary course shows you the real mechanics of how thoughts, feelings, and emotions actually function in your body and how they create your vibration without any conscious input on your part. Our conscious minds are very limited in that they can really only focus on what is in our immediate environment as pictures and sounds. It cannot see the ‘hidden reality’. So you require a tool to bring that hidden reality to your conscious awareness so that you can process it, remove the limitations, and reprogram yourself for success.

In terms of what I personally faced with regards to expectation is that I found that when I created expectations in my mind, because I was not totally clear within myself at all levels of my being regarding the expectation, that there would always be some residual doubt, and I would usually not be aware of it until after that which I wanted failed to come about. Here we are talking about specific goals that have timeframes associated with them, like “I want to make this sale today” for example. How I have supported myself to realign myself with my purpose and to not allow myself to be swayed by the experience, which is energy based, and therefore subject to positive and negative, is to rather look at not what I ‘expect’ to happen, but rather what I can ‘commit’ myself to. The word expect, comes from the Latin ‘to see’ or ‘to look out for’. And the problem is that we cannot see that which is not already within us. And because we have not been programmed for success, then we will more likely fail in most cases, which is not a bad thing, it just means that if we focus on ‘expectation’ it is more likely that we will begin to get discouraged because we think that by expecting, the thing will happen, but we are not actually able to ‘expect’ fully or to ‘see’ the thing we want fully, because again, we have all these negative programs running that we have not addressed. Now, alternatively, the word ‘commit’ means to pledge, and comes from the latin word meaning ‘to send’. The word ‘send’ means to cause o go or to be taken to a particular destination. So we cannot see something that is not already a part of us, but we can use feedback to move towards a destination, and as they say in our GIN training, go as far as you CAN see, and when you get there, you’ll see FURTHER. So by aligning ourselves with commitment to in each moment do the very best that we can, not expecting something that we cannot self-honestly say we KNOW will happen, we can then prevent disappointment, which would place us at the mercy of the up and down of energy, and instead commit ourselves to moving towards our destination, using the feedback of failure and success, allowing ourselves to learn from what we did right and from what we did wrong. For example, you go into a sales appointment, not with the expectation of making a sale, but with the commitment to do your best and be open to feedback from your experience. Let’s say you don’t make the sale, but instead of second guessing yourself (which you would have done if you created an expectation), you instead simply look at the feedback of your experience and see where you can improve. In this you will also be more open to seeing new things about your presentation or interaction with your customer that you would have tuned out otherwise. If we expect to succeed in all cases, then why would we ever need to improve? See the problem?

So, let’s look at our commitment to ourselves to become the best we possible can and move from fear to responsibility. I know you can do it, now it’s time for you to walk the point.

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Leave us a comment. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

Monday, November 9, 2015

Day 16: Using the Law of Attraction to Do What is Best

Love and Light to you! Peace and Blessings! May the Force be with you! (and also with you…). Welcome to McDonald's! Would you like fries with that?


I'm just kidding. "Lighten" up, will you?

It's fascinating, because we get emails and messages from people reading this blog and we speak to people in our networks and a question that has been coming up lately is whether it's possible to use the Law of Attraction to do what is Best for All, some reacting quite heavily saying that the LOA and Positive Thinking are BS and wrong and all kinds of things, so today we will provide some context and perhaps 'enlighten' those who are stumbling around in the dark, so to speak.

Typically, when we are introduced to Positive Thinking and the Law of Attraction, the focus is on more money, better health, better relationships, etc which are, in a way, self-interested goals. Now, let's not misunderstand the word 'self-interest'. When we say that, we mean, interest in one's self. Now, how you define 'self' is kind of up to you. And this is why some, who may want to have a bigger impact on the world, other than just 'themselves' will potentially react to the Law of Attraction or Positive Thinking, etc, because it seems to be only about Self-Interest. So firstly, let's look at redefining Self so that it is the BEST definition. We aren't going to give the answer, we'll make some 'suggestions'. 

Who are you?

That is a rather personal question, and yet it is the MOST IMPORTANT question that each of us face. We would be so bold to say that it is actually the reason that you and I are here on Earth. To answer this question. Because who we believe ourselves to be is, if we are self-honest, mostly just a conglomerate of all the information we have been exposed to from birth. Our personalities were shaped by our reactions to our environment. We have already written at length about the FACT that our world system is a Survival System, and so logically it makes sense that we have become Survival Systems ourselves. Some call this the Ego. The Ego is our individual survival system that we have co-created with our environment, which is our automated thought, feeling, and behavior patterns that direct us in our lives. If you stop and watch your thoughts, you will see that they are, like, coming from somewhere. They just come in out of 'nowhere' and then you hear them. As human beings we really have no clue what is really going on inside of us and so we just kind of float along through life, but of course pretending that we are in control, lol.

So, who are you?

Do we get to choose?

Perhaps we chose the options that were presented to us at birth without realizing the consequences. Perhaps we needed to face the consequences of our choices so that we could see, in our face, the manifestation of that which we absolutely would never want for ourselves. If you read "Ask and It is Given" by Abraham Hicks it discusses this point of contrast and how our experience gives us contrast to refine our preferences. The problem is that most of us define 'our' preferences according to the definition of Self as Ego, so it becomes just like do I like coke or pepsi, totally bullshit and irrelevant. And the corporations that direct this world in terms of having the biggest direct influence in the environment know how to manipulate the preferences of the Ego and thus are able to direct our thoughts and behaviors. This is all mapped out and explained in Creation's Journey to Life. Read that blog. Don't make any excuse. That is a very important blog to read.

So, going back to the Law of Attraction, we can put it another way. What you GIVE is what you GET. This is what Jesus told us, isn't it? So, if we are going to use the Law of Attraction in a way that is Best for All, then what must we consider?

We must firstly and primarily consider WHO WE ARE within using the Law of Attraction. Because if the WHO WE ARE is not defined in a way that is BEST then it will create a consequence that is not best, because according to WHO WE ARE we will receive because we will only attract that which we truly are. So if we deep down are afraid of not having money, what will we attract? (It is not actually 'attraction', by the way, but that is another story. Join the Global Information Network and you will learn how the LOA really works. It's not what you're reading in the books or seen on TV, you are not going to get the truth in public. You must be a member of a private society, because only in the private circles does one have the freedom to tell it how it really is. That's why this blog is written under a pen name. I know that those who are still substantially brainwashed will try and use bits and pieces out of context and twist our words to attack out of jealousy or envy or spitefulness. So we have to take precautions, unfortunately.) 

So if you have accepted doubts, fears, disbelief, feelings of lack, etc, you will never have success in life. Only through processing those points and coming to a point of total clarity that WHO YOU ARE is LIFE ITSELF- not just as knowledge and information - but actually in your practical daily living (a process I myself am still engaged in. I am not 'there' yet, so please read with discernment, because YOU and ONLY YOU are responsible for what you accept and allow), can we create a world that is actually supportive of LIFE. What is Life? Simply put, it is that principle which express what is Best in every moment. It is the essence of Best. Life = Best. So, the goal, the definite purpose as Napoleon Hill would have put it, is to remove the Ego points and realign oneself with Life, because that is who you really are. It's not something that is going to happen automatically. There is no HOPE possible. Because you AS LIFE have forgotten who you are. You made a MISTAKE. Perhaps we didn't know any better. We are still LEARNING. But, now you know. And we are Here to support each other to be the VERY BEST we can. Perhaps we were never perfect. Perhaps we are good enough, but that we can always be better. There are very few networks which one can plug into and receive genuine support that will support you to reconnect with Life and with the tools to succeed IN the system without being OF the system. The Global Information Network is one such network. Desteni is another such network. 


If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Leave us a comment. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Day 15: Fear and Responsibility

In success and motivation circles, you will hear the redefinition of the word fear as an acronym, variously as False Evidence Appearing Real, or one that offers you the choice between Forget Everything and Run vs Face Everything and Rise, as some examples.

In this it is cool to look at the role of fear in our lives.  It is easy, through laziness or apathy, to paint pretty pictures in our minds as what we would like reality to be, but not be honest with what is actually going on in our current Reality. This is a trap that many, including myself, fall or have fallen into when going into the Positive Thinking realm. Positive thinking is often touted as the way to get rich by doing nothing. Of course this is enticing to those with either low self-confidence or who are not in a position of wealth or power, and ultimately who are afraid of hard work. Growing up, I had a relatively privileged life, at least in my late adolescence onward, and one of the things I had the greatest resistance to was physical labor. I hated working in the yard, doing the mowing, raking leaves, etc and I resented my father for even asking me to do these things. Growing older that morphed into a real distaste for and fear of hard work. Now, having walked as an entrepreneur for over 10 years now, I see that the fear of hard work has been a point that held me back many times. Now, before you misunderstand me, I am not saying that the key to building wealth is just ‘working hard’ because there is a difference between activity and accomplishment. Hard work is not just physical labor. Hard work is when one applied themselves in self-honesty and looks at the reality of what they want and what stands in their way. So within that one has the choice to Forget Everything and React or to Forgive Everything and Respond.

Now, do you think that, as an entrepreneur, that you are going to face some challenges? Don’t you think that as an Entrepreneur for Life, where your purpose is to not only become wealthy in the system, but to challenge the system as it is, to bring forth real change, that you are going to face some REAL FUCKING DIFFICULT CHALLENGES? Watch the Matrix - when Neo woke up, his work had only just begun. He was immediately faced with his beliefs about what is possible and he was immediately attacked by the Agents of the System, who played by the REAL RULES, not the fantasy rules that the masses believe in. So, if you are going to stand up in this system and Respond, not React, then you are going to have to face your fears. I have to face my fears on a DAILY basis. Sometimes it is extremely challenging to the point of wanting to give it up. But I remind myself, that the alternative to moving forward to my goal is to accept the system as is, to accept my limitations, to accept myself as less than what I know I am capable of.

Let’s look at Responding vs Reacting.

The word respond comes from the Latin re + spondere - which means to pledge again. Pledge in the medieval Latin means a solemn promise or undertaking. Solemn means dignified. So to respond means to pledge oneself again to carry out a dignified promise or undertaking. Seeing as we have pledged ourselves to become the best version of ourselves and to constantly challenge our limitations and acceptances and allowances that hold us in behavior patterns that are not best, then it is our duty to respond to our environment and to our situation, instead of reacting. To react comes from the Latin re + agere meaning to ‘act again’. To act is generally defined as behaving in a specified way or within pretense. Pretense is to try to make something appear true that is not, or a false claim. So within this, when we react, we behave in a way that is not true, which is to say that we do not behave in a way that is aligned with who we really are and what we have committed ourselves to. So in any moment we have either to react or to respond. Imagine walking down a road and your goal is to get to the end. You can either in a moment continue down the road or veer off course. Responding is to move down the road and reacting is to veer off. Reacting is Fear. Fear is defined in the dictionary as an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. We are all reacting to this world that we have been thrust into as children. We are reacting to our environment, we are acting in a way that is not true to our true potential to be the best, even in less than ideal circumstances. We are trying to avoid pain and discomfort but not acting in a way that would actually end unnecessary pain and discomfort, which we could do if we were to work together as equals. Fear, defined as False Evidence Appearing Real, is thus a choice that we make to participate in and the moment we do so, we place ourselves in reaction, because in fact we are all creating this world together, and thus there is nothing to Fear, because by sticking to our path, our principle, doing what is best (not just thinking it, but actually doing it) we are able to change the environment, our world, to reflect what we would like to have, and deep down we would all like a world that is best. But if we are re-acting, then we are allowing ourselves to be caught up in the play, the drama, the false evidence, that says “Life cannot be good, it must be misery and suffering, after all that is what my environment is showing me!” But, what if, instead of reacting, instead of acting as if the evidence, the fear is real, we acted in a way that demonstrated that we WILL arrive at the destination we want. What if we EXPECTED ourselves to arrive there! Now, you may think, ok then all I have to do is just sit and imagine that everything will be ok and it will all work out. No! That is a reaction. You cannot get to the end of the road unless you move your feet. You cannot respond to your environment by THINKING your way out of it, where your THINKING does not allow you to RESPOND. When you THINKING causes you to act in a way that does not physically change the environment in any measureable, where there is a hope on your part that something will change, then your THINKING is pointless.

We must be able to look at our actions and work it out, using common sense, that the actions will in fact produce a world that is better. It is so easy to sit and think beautiful things and imagine wonderful things and they seem great and we go and try to convince others to see the same picture that we see, but then no physical action is taken to make that picture a reality. Now, that doesn’t mean to not consider the world you want to live in, or to consider your goal. You must always keep that in mind, what you are walking towards, otherwise how will you know if you are on track? But, you must also look at the results you are producing in your environment. How is your behavior changing? How are you affecting others? What is the measurable impact?

Now within this, we are going to make mistakes. We are going to veer off onto other roads. But the cool thing is that other roads, though they may not lead where we want, will still offer information to us, experience, that we can use to walk the road to our desired destination. I mean a road is a road, so even if you get off track, see what you have learned that will support you. Don’t throw out everything just because you made a mistake. Learn your lesson. There are so many tools now available, technologies, methods, others to learn from, that we don’t have to crawl down the road, we can RUN! We can in fact walk with others. We can see others ahead of us who leave breadcrumbs and notes for us to learn from and accelerate our journey. But we will still have to work through our own personal doubts, fears, beliefs, etc.

Understand: our environment has programmed each of us. We have been programmed with beliefs and fears that are irrational and that are designed to keep us on a certain track that leads to only suffering and death. The tendency, when the pressure and fear comes, is for us to revert back to our pre-programming. I have done this many, many times myself. This is why we have to refocus ourselves on what it is that we really want. We have to always keep that in view. And we must simultaneously look down and see that our feet are moving forward.

So do not become disheartened if you have gone off track. We must support each other. We all have the same goal, really, deep down. We all want a better world. We don’t have to fight, and yet sometimes our brothers and sisters will try and fight us. And sometimes we will try to fight them. We will forget at times that we are all in this together. So when the fight comes, we must not Forget Everything and React. We must Forgive Everything and Respond.

What I have found on my journey is that when we apply self-forgiveness in writing and aloud, that in a way it removes the sweat and tears and dirt that is blinding us from being able to see the road ahead clearly. Self-forgiveness does not mean we just forgive everything and accept the world as it is. It allows us to see ourselves and our world clearly. Self-honesty is important here, so that we do not delude ourselves.

The tools are here. They will not do the work for us. We will learn self-discipline through effort and dedication. Investigate the Desteni I Process to discover the keys to accelerating your process to becoming a person of integrity so that we may unite together and create a better world. Master Yoda said that in order to banish fear, we must first name it. The Desteni I Process will support you name the fears, walk through them, and banish them forever. That is how we will respond to the violence and atrocities of this world. Not reacting and just recreating the same. We will respond, change, and in that create a new world.

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Leave us a comment. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Day 14: The Power of 10

Let's change our system from a pyramid to a pillar of Life that
gives to all the very best. Notice the pyramid stops at a point,
but the pillar can keep growing and growing.We must first pass
through the eye of the needle. Which means we have to change
ourselves to become people of integrity and principle. We have
the tools to do so. Are up to the task?
Make sure that you have read "Selling vs Marketing" and "Generating Leads through Mathematics" before this post so that you have the proper context and foundation.

Following on the previous day’s post where we looked at the simplicity of 1+1 in ‘lead generation’, we will today look at the Power of 10 approach which will, as previously mentioned, be the key to taking the 1+1 and creating an exponential growth within your business, and ultimately in changing the world.  Again, we are assuming that you are representing a product of integrity, designed to support another person to bring out their very best.

So, for this post we will have an interactive exercise that will help illustrate the point. So for this you will need a blank piece of paper and a pen. At the bottom of the paper you will write the number 1. Then above the number 1, you will write the number 10, then above that you will write the number 100, and each line above will be the number below multiplied by 10. So at each level, starting from the bottom we have increasing Powers of 10 (i.e. 10^0, 10^1, 10^2, etc) and you will do this until you reach 10,000,000. Not including the first level, which is 1, we will have an additional 7 levels.

So, now, going back to the previous day’s post, YOU are ONE, and using 1+1, you will find 10 people whom you will impact directly. You can do this over the next month or year, that will depend on you. But if you find 10 people and you impact their lives in a positive way and then you have them repeat the pattern, then you will have 100 people. Now in the context of your business, this could mean getting 10 other people involved in your business, or it could mean finding 10 customers, depending on the nature of your business model and product. But, let’s take 10 customers for example. If you dedicate yourself to really impacting those 10, once they see the results for themselves, they will of course want to refer you to others and for each customer, even if they only refer 10 people to you, that is now 100 new potential customers. So even if you spent a YEAR impacting 10 effectively, then the next year you would have 100 new people to work with potentially. Following this pattern you would then have 1000 the next year and so on. Now, how long would it take to reach 10,000,000 people? Honestly I don’t know how you are going to work with so many people practically, but the math speaks for itself. At a certain point you will be at full capacity so to speak, but then you may find other products or tools to support more people with along your journey. And even if you only reach 10% of these numbers you can work out for your product, what that would mean in terms of income for yourself, and what that would mean in terms of impact in the world. Now imagine that there are 100 or even 1000 or 10,000 other people applying this same approach. United with a product that supports people to become their very best, you can see that in only a matter of years, there would be a massive effect on this planet that would create measurable, undeniable change.

You can also see here why businesses like MLM’s or Network Marketing are such a threat to the system. Obviously at a certain point, not everyone can benefit from the business, which is why we would recommend a Direct Sales business that is based on selling a product of integrity and not based only on trying to sell people on making money, that way what you present benefits you and the other person no matter what. If you can find a business that limits the number of people who can participate in the business itself, then that is even better, because it will support you to not chase the money only, but really focus on the value of your product. Of course at a certain point, no matter what business model you have, there is a limit to the number of people on the planet, so the usual arguments against MLM’s actually apply to any business. Of course, if we understand the 80/20 principle we know that 20% of people in any business or market will generate 80% of the business. This is a product of our environment which is a competitive system that does not support all equally. At the moment, there is not much we can do about that, except to point those who are in a position to do so, to take responsibility for their lives, become people of integrity and walk in the system of business to change the world for the better, not motivated by profit only.

So what we have covered in this post is that through simply applying the approach of 1+1 within the context of the Power of 10 principle, you can, over time, grow any business or movement for that matter to eventually impact substantial numbers of people. In the next post we will look at how you can practically map out a plan of action for yourself that will support you to implement the 1+1 in a measurable way that will allow you to continue with whatever it is you are doing for money at the moment, to consistently build your ‘side business’ to eventually replace your current employment. Remember, this is not a get rich quick approach, it takes time and consistency and support. We have already mentioned some support tools such as the Global Information Network, and the Desteni I Process, and there will be others we suggest along on this journey as well, but our primary point at the moment is to lay out the foundation for our understanding of business and practical action required. We understand that our mind’s tendency when learning something new is to ask HOW HOW HOW? But we also know that the HOW is the same as the WHO and that unless the WHO (that’s YOU) knows WHY you are doing something and that what you are doing will lead you to the end result you are looking for then you will not find the HOW. The HOW is in the DOING, but don’t worry about that for now. For now, take a moment to remind yourself WHY you are doing this and what it is YOU WANT to accomplish.

See you next time.

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Leave us a comment. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Day 13: Generating Leads through Mathematics

If you are looking to become an Entrepreneur for Life then you must understand the simplicity of business. Repetition is the mother of success and therefore you must find a repeatable formula that you apply consistently to attain any level of success. The most simple form of repetition, mathematically, is to take 1 and add it to itself. With this simple procedure you can generate ANY number given consistency and time. In any business, one must generate leads, present the product, close the sale, and then followup and follow through. Rinse and repeat. So what is the winning formula when it comes to Direct Sales, which we have established as the Best approach for the average person looking to create real wealth? It is using the mathematical formula, the most basic formula, that even a child can understand, which is 1+1=2. Too simple, you say? Remember it is often the most simple things that have the most profound effects. Look up fractals and you'll see what I mean. Let's see how this simplicity can be used within your business.

Now, you are ONE and another person is ONE. Thus if you put 1 and 1 together you get 2. And in the Bible, in Matthew, it says “For where two or three gather in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” This is ostensibly God talking, but we know, as people of self-honesty and common sense, that the only God that exists in this world is MONEY, which is the word MoneY or mONEy or MY ONE - get it?). So if you get 1 + 1 = 2 then 'there I am with them' which is GOD = MONEY saying "I will be there." So this is the key with which you will access wealth and add value to the world. And making money is just the beginning. As we walk this journey we will explore various ways in which we can apply this money we are accumulating to ACTUALLY change the world. Yes, it has been worked out, mathematically. We are only just now showing others what we (and when I say WE, I mean many others, not just myself) have worked out as the WAY in which we will change this world forever to be a Heaven on Earth where men and women of integrity walk as equals, as custodians of the Earth, and in complete joy and bliss, as that is our birthright as LIFE, if we choose it.

So what is this 1 + 1 jazz all about? It is simply this. You find one person to talk to. One person to whom you can add value to their life. One person to whom you can take the time to sit, build a relationship, share your story, hear their story, explain what you have to offer, address their fears, listen to their concerns, show them the common sense, paint the clear picture of the world that you see is possible, at the level that you can assess they will be able to hear and respond to. You then direct that person as yourself into an action that is best for them. One that you can work out and therefore show to the other person is ACTUALLY best, not just based on your desire for money, but on the result that they will have in their life as a result of you being in their life. Find a product or service of integrity and just find one person. This is why the points discussed in the last post are important. You must be able to take the time necessary. This is not a get rich quick thing. It takes time. It takes real-time practice and feedback. It requires support (of which there is now plenty that has shown to stand the test of time).

Most people start a business trying to figure out how to get 1000 customers. Just start with ONE. Go out into your world. Look at all the people around you. Identity the ONE that you will impact today. Say this will be MY ONE person whom I benefit today. Thus in this process you will become known as a person who helps people, and you will therefore create quite a reputation for yourself where people will eventually flock to you, based on the referral of their friends and family. Referrals are the best form of advertising, because the results speak for themselves. Look back at the previous day's post. Understand that the reason companies advertise (in other words "market") is because their results DO NOT speak for themselves.

Your success will not happen overnight. The Beatles, contrary to popular belief, were not an overnight sensation. They played in shitty little pubs night after night for years with no recognition. When you plant bamboo, you have to water it for 7 years before it even sprouts. And if you fail to water it even one day it will never sprout. But when it does it shoots up 90 feet in 7 days. Did it grow 90 feet in 7 days or in 7 years? 7 years may sound like a long time, but here is the question: if you don't start now, how much more money will you have in 7 years? How much impact will you have had 7 years from now? Why not begin now.

It starts with 1 + 1 and then eventually through the Power of 10, which we will address in the next post, what started as a simple addition, mutates into an exponential growth cycle. And here is where you begin to access real wealth and power. This is how the banks make their money, through compounding, exponential interest. We will show you how to do that in the time to come. Oh yes, get excited. The journey has only just begun…

See you next time.

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Leave us a comment. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Day 12: Why You Fail at Marketing

Before we get to that, let us just point out that you will encounter lots of very professional, confident people who will tell you how their marketing system is the answer for your business, but realize they are just trying to take your money. They will not tell you the truth about marketing like we have above. I have seen many people go down that road because of promises that did not pan out, and no matter what we told them, once they had it in their head that there was an easier way than what we will describe below, nothing could help them. It's like the apple in the garden. You have this snake who speaks in fancy words and tricks your mind into thinking there is an easier way of doing something, and makes promises, and so you eat from the tree of knowledge, but it gets you nowhere except disconnected from the very source of power that you have within you. YOU! Your own power to speak and walk and build relationships. Marketing costs money. Bottom line. Now if you don't have the millions up front, then what is the direct approach that will work?

If you will recall our post from Day 1 about structure vs energy, you will remember that one of the points explained in that post was that for something to be sustainable, it must be based within a sound structure, not energy, because only a structure stands stable as itself, whereas energy is based on the mechanics of polarity, up and down, positive and negative. Therefore, for us to make progress on our Journey as Entrepreneurs for life, we must understand some key concepts, and these concepts are not obvious due to our education system, which we have discussed previously and this is deliberate to keep the majority of people in a position of disempowerment. So, if we are interested in empowering ourselves and others (which we are) then we will take heed of this important key concept.

That concept is the difference between selling vs marketing.

When we say marketing, we mean something very specific. Many people lump all kinds of various things into the category of ‘marketing’ so we will clarify this point firstly.

Marketing is when one spends money up front in an attempt to get other people to come TO you to buy your product or service. Advertising is the most obvious form of marketing. Advertising is a very specific form of mass manipulation where one place images and words together in specific ways designed to trigger associations and feelings that are embedded within the subconscious minds of those who would be exposed to the advertising. These ads, as they are called, require a great deal of research up front, and to be effective, must be tested on ‘test markets’ or ‘focus groups’ where one can assess the response of the consumer to the ad before investing tons of money to launch a wide scale campaign. Now, if one do not have the resources to do these test groups AS WELL AS the in depth knowledge of what people are responding to and how to craft images and words to elicit a specific behavioral response AS WELL AS lots of money to then launch the full advertising campaign, then if one attempts to enter the world of advertising, one will CERTAINLY fail. This would also apply to any other form of marketing where one stand back and wait for people to come to you. This is easy to do if one has lots of capital up front (i.e. millions of dollars) just to invest in the marketing, but I’m guessing that’s not you. We are not saying marketing doesn’t work, but we are saying it’s a form of business that eliminates the average person due to the up front costs and expertise required. The key within marketing is repetition (as it is in business of any form) however here it means that one must expose the SAME customer to your message at least 6 times before they act on it. And this is assuming you have spent the money necessary to create an effective ad. Because you also have to make sure the images and words elicit emotions such as fear, inadequacy, sexual attraction, etc. This is why it costs so much to advertise during major sporting events, because so much energy is being generated and then when one show the ad, the energy is directed towards the product within the person watching. You have to really know what you are doing and have lots of resources at your disposal. We have seen many people fail because they tried to compete in the marketing arena. Why do we say compete? Because within marketing, one is competing for another person’s attention. Look at all the hundreds of billions of dollars spent by MEGA companies (not to mention the subtle marketing done in movies and media generally) to capture the attention and imaginations of the masses. Another point within this is that advertising in itself has its limits. Meaning there is a limit to what a person will purchase just based on advertising. You typically don’t find people buying high value, high price items based on advertising only. In fact, the reason why you see advertisements for automobiles, with the exception of ads about ‘price reductions’ or ‘special limited time pricing’ (which are really just advertising the dealership itself, not the product per se), is to deal with ‘buyer’s remorse’ where a person will have the tendency to have some fear after the sale about the money spent. But the car commercials are always showing a pretty picture of a person driving through a mountain, having a great time, images of fun and freedom, which have been shown to reduce people wanting to return the car AFTER THEY BOUGHT. So even here, you probably did not know that, which shows why you are not going to be able to compete with the BIG BOYS so to speak when it comes to marketing. The areas where marketing typically works very well is with a LOW PRICED item, where there are going to be very few objections coming from the customer, so they will just buy the product without much fear of loss, because the price is low. Thus, you must have a cheap product where you get a small margin, which means you must sell HIGH VOLUME to make any money. And here really only a few can benefit, because the money is just not there to be spread to everyone in the chain. So the one doing the most work, the cashier in the store, for example, makes next to nothing, because they really represent little value to the business owner, except to collect the money, because the owner, through their marketing, is the one getting the customer to act. And as soon as the technology is there, they will replace the cashier with a robot, because no communication skills are really required to do the job. This is why you always have a salesperson for things like watches and diamond rings. People are not going to just walk into a store and buy these things from advertising. They need a person to close that sale. Just go to the mall and look at expensive watches and see how the salesperson interacts with you versus going to McDonalds. YOU cannot compete in that game, you don’t have the resources necessary. The only way for you to WIN is to not compete at all. If you are in COMPETITION then you will always lose. So how do we avoid competing but still create a business that will succeed in helping lots of people and in return bring in lots of income for you? This is where we must understand the real role of SELLING.

Direct Sales.

Direct sales is where you direct your self and another person as yourself. It is about selling, where YOU GO TO the other person, not placing any hope or wishful thinking that they will COME TO YOU. Let's look more closely at what sales and selling is really all about.

Selling, as we have looked at in various ways in previous posts, is really just about COMMUNICATION. A salesperson is someone who is effective at communicating the value of what they are offering to another person. Sales is in fact the most honorable profession, when one represents a product of real value. Marketing is deliberate manipulation of a person’s subconscious desires and feelings of inadequacy and deliberate misrepresentation of a product to convince the person’s subconscious/unconscious mind, that which actually directs their behavior, that the product is necessary for the person’s survival in the system (Check out how Big Pharma advertises to see the masters in action.) Sales is about speaking to another human being, understanding where they are at in their life and communicating with them in a way that is best in order for them to take action that will improve their life. If you have a product that is best, then sales is actually a responsibility that you have to reach as many people as you can. We are here to serve each other as equals, not just to make a buck. Anyone who has the opportunity to develop their communication ability (and there are tools that will accelerate this, email me at if you want more info on those), has the opportunity to create vast wealth for themselves, help other people, and thus improve the world in a real, measureable way. But a few things must be understood so that one does not fall back into the pre-programming that is designed to limit you. In other words, if you approach business like a marketer, you will fail. If you want to sell your soul to a big company that will have the resources to market and pay you and the other employees a slave wage (anything that does not reward you in direct proportion to your performance, and places a limit on what you can earn is a slave wage, in my opinion), then you can embrace marketing. If you want to achieve financial freedom though and open and willing to learn and change your beliefs, you may want to read further.

So, let’s assume one has the determination to learn from feedback, in order to improve their communication skills (or perhaps plugs into tools to support one with that), then what else is required?

One requires a product that will be high enough in value that one can ask for a price that allows one to sell a reasonable volume at an individual level. So instead of selling 1000 products a month, where one receives very little margin, and implies that the product is cheap and cannot offer much value to the customer, one sells maybe 5 or 10 per month and makes an income where one can have the luxuries that one prefers, has the time to enjoy life, and where the product is therefore worth a great deal to the customer. So the price is not ARBITRARILY high. It is reflective of the value that one gives to the customer and is thus reflective of the value that one places on oneself. Imagine the person working for 10 dollars per hour. What must they feel about themselves to be willing to sit and do something for that kind of money? What are you worth? Self-esteem is a huge limiting factor in this world and it is generally based on one’s ability (or lack thereof) to communicate with words, because if one can communicate then one can SELL and thus one can earn a living reflective of a high self-esteem. This is why charities and welfare programs are abusive - it actually embeds a low self-esteem program in the recipient (because they need someone to help them, thus are not capable themselves) and does not empower them to take MORE responsibility for their life.

So, your product must represent and provide a lot of value to a person, more than you ask in return, and yet what you ask must be able to give you a life that anyone would be happy with. Do not settle for less than what you are worth. And when you receive, because you have given more, you will be satisfied and your happiness will grow and so too will your effectiveness in this Life. You will use SALES to become a person of VALUE to yourself and others. Sales requires effort on your part. Marketing looks easier and is therefore more tempting to the mind. But you will find, if you follow that rabbit, that you will soon be complaining about the price of your product, the appearance, and other things that are of no substance, because you are trying to compete and find the lowest possible price so that you will get no objection, which means you are afraid of communicating the value, or at the very least, not confident (but there are tools and support systems for this!!! Email me: ). If you are focused on the appearances primarily then you are not focused in a way that will support you to succeed. Because you cannot compete based on appearance. The world 'appears' to have all the answers, but we know it only directs people into a life of slavery and misery. When you start a business, work with what you have, focus on the value, and improve the appearance over time, but don't let that deter you! One of my mentors, who was a multi-millionaire, gave me a valuable lesson early on in my process. He told me of an artist he knew who was unable to sell his paintings. He told the artist to double the asking price, and the paintings flew off the shelf, so to speak. I took that to heart. I was at the time selling a service and charging only 30 dollars per hour for my time. I doubled my price and found that I immediately attracted not only more people but people who were more serious about working with me and actually respected me and my professional opinions MORE! I took that to the point of eventually charging $350 per hour for the SAME service. Of course at that point my clientele was a bit different, but then I was meeting with millionaires and learning all sorts of things that I would never before have been exposed to, so I earned more than just money, which was great. All that I changed was my price, and I found that my self-esteem went up and I actually got better at what I was doing! So by charging MORE, I supported myself to give MORE service to my clients, so it was a win/win. Plus I could take on less clients at a time and really devote myself to the few that I worked with.

So the points must be clear by now: you must have a high value item, a high price, so that you can work less, and actually give more in the process, but you will have to develop your communication skills. You will have to conquer your fears of rejection and your fears of ‘selling’ that have been programmed into you to prevent you from accessing the highest paid profession in the world. If you work for a company, then at the top, or at the beginning of the company, is a salesperson. Someone who started with a vision and took a risk, and that is why they are getting the greater reward. But you are accepting it. ACCEPT NOTHING LESS THAN WHAT YOU ARE WORTH AND GIVE NOTHING LESS THAN YOUR BEST TO ANOTHER.

Just to add a side note here. Remember that we are working within the context of the system AS IT IS. We are not talking about how we would live IDEALLY. Ideally, the world would not require us to work in order to survive, and then giving value and being of service to others could be more like a self-expression rather than a necessity point, which would really be interesting to see as people become more and more creative in how they express love and appreciation for life and others. But, as it stands the system is a survival system and so we must work within that while also placing ourselves in a position to change the system to one that is best. If one read back through the previous posts and continue on this journey, we will explore these points further, but for now one can being investigating the Living Income Guaranteed and the Equal Money System proposals to see what is on our 'To Get' list. But for us entrepreneurs we must also focus on our 'To Do' list, and in order to become people of real influence in the system and to support others to do the same we must make a lot of money within as much integrity as possible, realizing in self-honesty that by simply using money at all, in the current system, we are participating in abuse. But if we run off into the woods and reject money we will be in a position of disempowerment and be at the mercy of the system and that would be deliberate self-abuse. So, let's walk and change the system as we go.

Now, there are a few other important concepts to consider, for example, if you are not marketing, then how will you get people to come to you? How will you get customers? Well, let's take it one step at a time. This is a journey. Let this information sink in. Read it again. Find the points where you react. Apply self-forgiveness. Find your point of self-honesty within all of this. Leave me a comment or send me an email if you have questions. We will cover the next few foundational concepts that will hold the keys to success in selling as we move forward on this journey, so stay tuned.

If you find this blog to be of value and support, share it with others. Leave us a comment. Follow this blog and check back often to walk with me on this journey. Feel free to reach out! Let’s move together as one until all are equal! Until next time, “All the Best!”

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Day 11: The Power of a System

Today we will introduce one of the secrets that we will use together as Entrepreneurs for Life to change the world. We will utilize the picture posted here to the left below as a symbolic representation. Once you realize the value of this symbol and how it actually runs the world (and is therefore one of the keys to changing both yourself inwardly and the world outwardly) then we will have made significant progress on this journey.

Let’s start with some context. The symbol, which is composed of an equilateral triangle, with horizontal line below the base, all enclosed by an oval, is a symbolic representation of our world system. It represents the system that runs our world on multiple levels. It is the system that is utilized by the elite of this world to maintain their positions of power and relative security. It is also the system that we will use to empower ourselves and each other, those walking within the principle of self-change as what is best for all, to break through the limitations that we have accepted both within ourselves and without in our world. How does this work? It works because only a system can manage the vast amount of resources, people, communications, information, actions, transactions, etc that make up our daily lives and affect every person, animal, and plant on this planet in every moment. Think about your breathing. If you had to think about it in order to live, how long would you live? Not very long, if you are honest. I mean, what happens when you try to go to sleep? Fortunately this process is automated through a system. So, on a larger scale, we as humanity, have created an automated system, over time, that runs this world. It runs the government, the money system, the education system, everything. And it is in fact each of us participating in this system that allows it to continue to function, and yet in this moment right now, it is running ‘on its own’ so to speak. Go out in the morning and observe all the people driving to work. Going somewhere they don’t want to be, to do something they don’t want to do, to make money to survive and to chase ‘happiness’ (whatever that is) when death and unhappiness is inevitable. Why do we do it? Who benefits? Ostensibly, those who own and manage the corporations we are all working for benefit, but they are just like us, just trying to make a buck. They believe ‘it’s just the way it is’ like everyone else. To understand this point in all its detail, I highly suggest you begin reading Creation’s Journey to Life to get some real perspective on your life and this world. But in the context of this blog it is sufficient to understand that this world runs on an automated system and derives its power from the physical labor of human beings. In order to stop this system or at the very least adjust it to one that is not ENSLAVING us to focus only on survival, we must realize that we cannot just END the system. That would be chaos. It would be madness and fighting. We need a system that supports the very best in everyone. Not the very worst. So to do that we must understand how the system works, at least at a basic level, and become very good at utilizing it to place ourselves in positions of power and responsibility to direct this world. They say that power corrupts. That is not true. Corruption corrupts power. We humans are corrupt and thus we must change. And as we change we must then change our relationship to power, and direct ourselves in a way in which we use power simply as the means to power a system that supports all Life equally. So let’s begin with the basics of the system so that we may place ourselves in a position of EMPOWERMENT for the betterment of all Life.

Let us now continue by breaking the symbol down into its component features and looking at their meaning and significance. We will give examples for each component of how they exist in the world and do our best to give the context necessary, but the examples are by no means exhaustive. Once you see the essence of each component and its function, you should begin to see more examples of how each component exists in our world.

First, the triangle. The triangle has 2 legs and a base. Each leg presents ‘Books’ and ‘Audios’ respectively. The base represents ‘Events’. In the elite circles, you have ‘secret societies’ in which certain knowledge and information is shared amongst the members. Information that allows them to adjust their attitude and mindset towards setting and achieving goals, which gives them a distinct advantage in this world, and is in fact one of the keys to their success in maintaining their positions. Books are where the information is codified and thus reading is an essential skill for any leader and especially a leader who has integrity. Books allow us to learn from the masters of the past. Books allow us to benefit from the experience and life lessons of our ancestors. But we must be careful of who we listen to. The elite listen to each other and those in their line of ancestry that have proven their effectiveness in the world. The books allow them to pass on their knowledge to each other. This is obviously why the average person cannot really read. This is deliberate. Because this leg of the triangle, ‘books,’ is also a leg of the triangle in the World System. See this symbol, the one pictured above, exists in multiple ways. There is the ‘Elite System’, which supports the elite in their inner circles to maintain their dominant position in terms of impulsing their members with the skills, mindset, and conditioning to perform at ‘higher levels’ than the average person. But then there is the ‘World System’ which is what impulses the average person (and even to some extent the elite themselves) to remain in a failure mindset, performing at a low level of creative potential and with a low self-esteem. There is a third system, which is the ‘GIN system’ which we will get to once you have the proper context, as it is the key to us, the Entrepreneurs for Life, empowering each other to perform at the elite levels while maintaining/developing our integrity as Life. In the World System, this leg of the triangle, which represents ‘books,’ is our education system as public schools, universities, magazines, book stores, etc where information is disseminated and programmed into us through ‘reading’, where obviously our reading levels as a society, if you look at the research, does not typically go beyond an 8th grade level (lower in most cases), without specific interventions with specific tools, which do exist, but as of yet are not ‘mainstream’ for obvious reasons. So, we have the elite with books passed down from generation to generation teaching their children the stories of success that really work and then we have the books in our world (which obviously is not just ‘books’ but our entire system of transferring lessons through ‘study’) which either only entertain us in fantasies to ignore the reality of our lives or distract us or deliberately program us with ‘lessons’ that disempower and create discord and division within ourselves and amongst each other.

So now we come to the other leg of the triangle, which is ‘audios’. The elite utilize both the spoken word as well as audio recordings as another form of educating each other, and here the advantage is engaging another sense, that of sound, and the principle of spaced repetition. Here we also have the concept of ‘vibration’ or ‘frequency’ which is greatly misunderstood or distorted in the Law of Attraction and Positive Thinking circles. Your mind operates at a frequency and just like a tuning fork struck and placed near another fork that begins to resonate, your mind can be entrained to operate at another frequency. Our backchat, as our habitual internal dialogue is an example of this where we repeat the same thought (a thought is a subtle form of energy and thus has a frequency) and eventually we begin to manifest the essence of that thought in our reality to some degree. So the elite understand this principle, which is why baroque classical music was invented, because obviously back then only the elite had access to these types of things. Now, look at the types of music that the average person listens to. Is it designed to support you to be your very best or rather to entrain you into just feeling better about where you are at and justifying your feelings and emotions? Go listen to Rihanna, or Nicki Minaj, or Lady Gaga. Listen to the Tell-a-vision PROGRAMS. They are training us to behave in specific patterns, which are ‘frequencies’ that will never challenge the elite. Consider what you listen to on the radio as you drive to work. It numbs you, just like the Soma in Brave New World, to accept the system as it is. Music is ‘catchy’ and without realizing it you are embedding self-limiting programs into your subconscious mind, that which has more influence on your behavior than your conscious thoughts do. So we see the role of ‘audios’ in both the Elite and World Systems. They are used to empower and disempower respectively.

The base of our triangle is ‘Events’. The elite, within their private clubs and societies, hold events where they network with each other, where they discuss their plans and goals, but even more importantly, where they let loose and have fun. This is where they release all the tension from working so hard throughout the past few months. They go crazy. They dance, they sing, they swim at the pool. They party. They give themselves a break from their absolute focus on creating the world THEY WANT. This is an essential part of the system and is what allows the elite to keep going day after day after day. The body will only work so hard without a reward. In the World System we have ‘events’ such as vacations, although most people don’t really get to enjoy themselves on vacation because they are more worried about not spending too much money (they probably spent most of their savings just to go on holiday), and what most people choose to do on vacation is generally something that they were sold on by TV or the magazines. They do not experience real letting go and letting loose. They have simply bought some kind of product such as a vacation package or an idea from the media about what it means to go on vacation. Consider how vacations are presented in the movies and TV. But events are even more specific than just vacationing in the World System. Events are football games, holidays, and anything that is participated within by large masses of people. 9/11 was an event. These events and how they are presented or participated within are used to generate emotions within large groups of people, usually to be directed into buying, which is why Thanksgiving and Christmas, being the most emotionally charged holidays, are also the times where we buy the most. Many businesses operate year round at a loss just to make massive profits during these two holidays. The elite use events to release. The masses are only USED by events so they will RELEASE funds from their bank accounts.

So, by now, you are starting to see how we have these two systems running concurrently, one used to empower the elite and one used to disempower everyone else. Let us continue with the remaining components.

Next, we have the horizontal line at the base of the triangle, which is ‘Recognition’. In the elite circles, this is where each one congratulates the other on their success. Where they express support for each other, where they give each other that which we all deep down want, which is recognition for our accomplishments. At events they applaud each other and hold up those who have had major successes in front of the group to be praised. This experience allows the elite to go back to their lives and focus with more determination, recharged so to speak. Obviously this desire for recognition stems from the fact that we do not recognize all Life equally and thus we receive the lack of recognition through the Law of Balance. And, if the elite are receiving recognition, then there must be a lack being experienced somewhere else. That brings us to the role of recognition in the World System. In the World System we give recognition, not to each other, no, because what have we done? No, we give it to the celebrities. We give recognition and praise to GOD. We give recognition to the athletes, the grown men paid millions of dollars to play with their balls in public. When was the last time you stood in front of a thousand people and had them applaud for you in genuine appreciation and support of your growth and accomplishment? So, instead we turn that frustration inward which then is expressed where we take it out on our spouse, our children, each other. This is why cars have horns. We are just honking and honking hoping someone will notice us. We buy clothing, iPhones, all kinds of products trying to stand out and be recognized but we just end up looking like everyone else. And the elite know that we are stupid because the other legs of the triangle have made sure of that, and that we will buy anything as long as it is presented in a way that makes us think it will give us recognition. And yet we never recognize that thousands of children die everyday due to our participation in this system, not to mention the countless billions of animals. Watch the documentary Earthlings to get a clue.

Lastly, we have the oval around the outside. This oval represents ‘Relationships’. The elite understand that your Network is your Net Worth. This is what politicians are very good at: networking. You go to Harvard, not for the education, per se, although it certainly does raise your self-esteem being in that environment, but because your roommate is Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg. Look at your friends. Are any of them going to be president or start billion dollar companies? What is the company you keep? You go to church or sporting events and chant like an idiot not realizing you are just channeling any potential for creative output that would make the world better into the pockets of those who do not care about you or your children. Not that you care either. Or do you? I didn’t care for a long time. I really only cared about myself and my own happiness. It wasn’t until I discovered through Desteni that the reason I am not happy is because no one is happy. And the solution to my happiness, if you want to call it that, is to stop creating unhappiness and suffering for everyone. We are all doing it to each other. Our relationship to ourselves is one of mistrust, fear, and denial. Our relationships with each other are no different. The system functions as a whole to reinforce things as they are.

Now that we have covered the components and function of the system we come to the real point of this post. If you have principle and you want to change yourself and the world, you require a system. You require a system that can provide you with the tools, the relationships and the recognition to move in the system with success. You have a responsibility to become the elite. Not to simply change the authority with a new one, but to end ELITISM once and for all. We can have a world where everyone has an amazing, wonderful life. It does not need to be reserved for the few. That kind of thinking is actually just fear. And you may feel like you don’t have what it takes, but you do! You have your Principle and now you understand that value of having a SYSTEM. This system is not actually hidden. Many companies use this system, all do it in fact, but it’s just not always obvious unless you really study it and know what to look for. Amway (amongst many other companies) has built a multi-billion dollar global empire using this system. Many companies use this system to sell a product - businesses are designed to make money - but GIN, the Global Information Network, is the only company where the SYSTEM is the PRODUCT itself, designed to empower you to achieve your goals. And just to assuage your fears, it is not an MLM or network marketing company. The Global Information Network is a private club, like the private clubs of the elite, but one that is open to everyone. It condenses all the books and audios that actually work and throws out the ones that don’t. What take 30 years to figure out on you own, you can learn within years potentially, if you apply yourself. And if you represent a product of integrity, then you need GIN as the system that will support you in this world to Stand Up and Stand Out. You will read many things online about GIN, both positive and negative, but you will investigate all things and keep what is best and not allow yourself to be influenced by fear. Or will you? I have planted many seeds within this post, and for those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear and the resolve to Stand Up and Stand Out, it is time NOW for action. Join GIN as a free associate here: JOIN GIN. Learn more about it. Talk to the members. Discover the secrets to self-empowerment. GIN is not the end, it is only one of the means. The end is always the starting point, which is Life as what is Best for All. Today you have been exposed to the secret to FINANCIAL PERFECTION which will catapult you forward in your journey. Stick to your Principle. Use discernment. Do not be deceived by appearances. As the CEO of GIN, Troy McClain says, “Look beyond the obvious.”

Join me as an Entrepreneur for Life. The Journey has only just begun.

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